John L. Austin

Marina Sbisà
Table of contents

J. L. Austin (1911–1960) turned to philosophy after a training in classics. From 1933 he worked at the University of Oxford, first as a research Fellow, then as a Fellow and tutor, and later on as White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy. During the Second World War he served in the Intelligence Corps of the British Army, making remarkable contributions to the organization of D-Day (Warnock 1969). After the war and until his death in 1960, he greatly influenced the philosophical debate in Oxford by his personal approach to ordinary language philosophy, both in his academic activities and by promoting informal discussions in which his method was experimented with (Warnock 1973a). He published only a few papers during his lifetime; he also translated Frege’s Grundlagen der Arithmetik into English (Frege 1950). The collection of his papers (Austin 1979) and two volumes containing two series of lectures (Austin 1962; Austin 1975) were published posthumously.

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