Terminology work is an activity of many facets and many applications. It is carried out in all spheres of life and by many professions. The driving force behind each terminological effort is usually some kind of a communicative need: a researcher trying to explain a new concept to colleagues, an engineer looking for an appropriate term to name a new device, a translator in search of a correct term equivalent in the target language, etc. A much broader need, which requires a more comprehensive terminological effort, is the need for clear and effective professional communication in and between domains. It is this need which has made terminology work a field of professional activity. Terminologists are professionals in this field and they contribute to more effective professional communication in all domains by creating reliable terminology resources and providing terminological services to all those who need them.
Bucher, Anna-Lena, Claudia Dobrina, and Henrik Nilsson
2010“All terms in one place.”Терминология и знание (‘Terminology and knowledge’), 169–180.
Cabré Castellví, M. Teresa
1999Terminology: Theory, methods and applications. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Dobrina, Claudia
2010“Terminology on demand. Maintaining a terminological query service.”Terminology in Everyday Life, 81–95. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Felber, Helmut
1984Terminology Manual. Paris: Unesco and Infoterm.
1999Terminologi 1: principper & metoder. København: Gads Forlag.
Mayer, Felix
2010“Rechte Wege zum Term.”Best Practices in der Terminologiearbeit: Akten des Symposions Heidelberg, 15.-17. April 2010, 113–121. Cologne: Dt. Terminologie-Tag.
Nuopponen, Anita and Nina Pilke
2010Ordning och reda. Stockholm: Norstedts.
Picht, Heribert and Jennifer Draskau
1985Terminology: an Introduction. Guildford/ Surrey: The University of Surrey.
Suonuuti, Heidi
2001Guide to terminology. Helsinki: Tekniikan Sanastokeskus.
TNC 104
2012Basord i våra fackspråk. Sweden: Terminologicentrum TNC.
Towards Consolidation of European Terminology resources
2009Terminology work - Principles and methods. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO 1087-1
2000Terminology work - Vocabulary - Part 1: Theory and application. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO 10241-1
2011.Terminological entries in standards - Part 1: General requirements and examples of presentation. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO 15188
2001Project management guidelines for terminology standardization. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO 23185
2009Assessment and benchmarking of terminological resources - General concepts, principles and requirements. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
SS-ISO 01 66 80
1983Pullvermetallurgi - Terminologi. SIS - Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige.
SS-ISO 8573-1
1995Compressed air for general use - Part 1: Contaminants and quality classes. SIS Swedish Standards Institution.