Space and morality in Tokelau
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Besnier, N
Borofsky, R
Firth, R
Firth and McLean
Goffman, E
Hoem, I
(1990) Sharing a language - sharing a way of life? Aspects of the relation between language, culture and society in Tokelau 1986-88. Unpublished Magister Artium dissertation in Social Anthropology, University of Oslo.
Hooper, A. and J. Huntsman
Hooper, R
(1987) The Discourse function of focus constructions in Tokelauan. Paper presented at the 7th New Zealand Linguistics Conference, Dunedin.
Hovdhaugen, E., I. Hoern, CM. losefo, and A.M. Vonen
Huang, C.T James
Huntsman, J.W
(1969) Kin and coconuts on a Polynesian atoll: Socio-economic organisation of Nukunonu, Tokelau Islands. Unpublished PhD thesis, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania.
Levy, R.I
MacGregor, G
Mosel, U. and E. Hovdhaugen
Sallen, V.G
(1983) Tokelau scholars in New Zealand: Experiences and evaluations. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Auckland.
Senft, G
(1987) Rituelle Kommunikation auf den Trobriand Inseln. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 65: 105-130. BoP
Vonen, A.M
(1988) The noun phrase in Samoan and Tokelauan. Unpublished Cand. Philol. thesis, University of Oslo.