Constructing languages and publics: Authority and representation
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Anderson, Benedict
Briggs, C.L., and R. Bauman
Cmiel, Kenneth
(1990) Democratic eloquence: The fight over popular speech in nineteenth century America. Berkeley: University of California Press. BoP
Crowley, Tony
Errington, Joseph J
(1994) Indonesian(‘s) authority. Paper presented to Advanced Seminar on Language Ideology, School for American Research, Santa Fe NM.
Fraser, Nancy
Fliegelman, Jay
Goffman, Erving
Gumperz, John J
Habermas, Jürgen
Irvine, Judith T
Irvine, J.T., and S. Gal
(1994) Language ideologies and linguistic differentiation. Paper presented to Advanced Seminar on Language Ideology, School for American Research, Santa Fe NM.
Landes, Joan
Lee, Benjamin
Levine, George
Ölender, Maurice
Rickford, John
Silverstein, Michael
(1994) Whorfianism and the linguistic imagination of nationality. Paper presented to Advanced Seminar on Language Ideology, School for American Research, Santa Fe NM.
Taylor, Talbot T
Woolard, Kathryn A