Chapter 10 | Exercise 3
Consider the frequencies of selected collexemes of GO + ADJ construction in COCA, given in Table 10.1.
Adjective | Frequency in go + ADJ Cx | Total frequency in the corpus |
haywire | 226 | 297 |
hog-wild | 12 | 19 |
batty | 17 | 215 |
crazy | 1821 | 24804 |
sick | 5 | 24764 |
wrong | 884 | 77845 |
stir-crazy | 14 | 29 |
unpunished | 182 | 259 |
blank | 326 | 8478 |
undetected | 201 | 698 |
The total number of occurrences of the construction is 28636. Find out which of the adjectives have high Attraction towards the construction and which ones have high Reliance. Make a plot with adjectives as text labels, with the horizontal axis showing the Attraction scores and the vertical axis displaying the Reliance scores.
First, create two vectors: a
, with the frequencies of the adjectives in the GO + ADJ construction, and total
, with the total frequencies of the adjectives in the corpus:
> a <- c(226, 12, 17, 1821, 5, 884, 14, 182, 326, 201)
> total <- c(297, 19, 215, 24804, 24764, 77845, 29, 259, 8478, 698)
Next, compute the attraction and reliance scores and combine them as columns in a data frame:
> attr <- 100*a/28636
> rel <- 100*a/total
> go <- cbind(attr, rel)
Create a character vector with the adjectives and use them as the row names of the data frame:
> adj <- c('haywire', 'hog-wild', 'batty', 'crazy', 'sick', 'wrong', 'stir-crazy', 'unpunished', 'blank', 'undetected')
> rownames(go) <- adj
> go
[output omitted]
The highest Attraction scores belong to crazy (6.36), wrong (3.09) and blank (1.14). The highest Reliance scores are observed for haywire (76.09), unpunished (70.27) and hog-wild (63.16).
To make a plot based on the Attraction and Reliance scores, you can use the following code:
> plot(attr, rel, type = "n")
> text(attr, rel, adj)