Ch. 2 | Exercise 1

Chapter 2 | Exercise 1

Install and load the package Rling. Go to the help page of the data set named ELP. What does it show? Load the data set and explore its structure. How many observations does it contain? What kind of variables are there?

See the package installation instructions in Section 2.2.

> library(Rling) > help(ELP) # alternatively, use ?ELP > data(ELP) > str(ELP) 'data.frame': 880 obs. of 5 variables: $ Word : Factor w/ 880 levels "abbreviation",..: 631 747 200 773 821 134 845 140 94 354 ... $ Length : int 7 10 10 8 6 5 5 8 8 6 ... $ SUBTLWF: num 0.96 4.24 0.04 1.49 1.06 3.33 0.1 0.06 0.43 5.41 ... $ POS : Factor w/ 3 levels "JJ","NN","VB": 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 ... $ Mean_RT: num 791 693 960 771 882 ...

The help page shows the name, description, format and usage of the data set that contains 880 nouns, adjectives and verbs from the English Lexicon Project data. The object is a data frame with 880 observations and five variables. The first variable represents the lexical stimuli. It is a factor. The second variable contains the word lengths. It is a numeric vector with integers. The third variable is a numeric vector with normalized frequencies of the words in a corpus. The fourth variable contains the part of speech of the stimuli. It is a factor with three levels. Finally, the fifth variable contains reaction times (in milliseconds) in the lexical decision task. It is a numeric vector.