Chapter 9 | Exercise 4
Which register has the greatest proportion of metaphoric uses of on? The smallest? The frequencies in the VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus are shown in Table 9.1.
Academic | Conversations | Fiction | News | |
Metaphoric | 255 | 163 | 112 | 205 |
Non-metaphoric | 37 | 96 | 121 | 77 |
Test if there is a significant association between the register and (non)-metaphoricity. Visualize the data in a mosaic and association plot.
First, create a table in R with all frequencies:
> met <- c(255, 163, 112, 205)
> nonmet <- c(37, 96, 121, 77)
> on <- rbind(met, nonmet)
> colnames(on) <- c('acad', 'conv', 'fic', 'news')
> on
acad conv fic news
met 255 163 112 205
nonmet 37 96 121 77
To compare the proportions of metaphoric and non-metaphoric uses in four registers, you can use the following code:
> prop.table(on, 2)
acad conv fic news
met 0.8732877 0.6293436 0.4806867 0.7269504
nonmet 0.1267123 0.3706564 0.5193133 0.2730496
The academic register has the greatest proportion of metaphoric uses (0.87). Fiction has the lowest proportion (0.48).
Now we should test if the variables are associated:
> chisq.test(on)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: on
X-squared = 99.7487, df = 3, p-value < 2.2e-16
The p-value is almost zero, so the null hypothesis of no association can be safely discarded. To check the contribution of each cell to the result, check the residuals:
> chisq.test(on)$residuals
acad conv fic news
met 3.78232 -1.165787 -3.838463 0.7575156
nonmet -5.63622 1.737196 5.719882 -1.1288110
The positive and negative values of the residuals indicate the same differences that we have observed. To visualize the residuals, use the mosaic()
and assoc()
functions in the vcd
> library(vcd)
> mosaic(on, shade = T)
> assoc(on, shade = T)