Spotlights on the notion of lexical motivation across languages in the Western linguistic tradition, from the 16th century to the present

Matthias Urban

This article shows that an interest in differences and similarities in patterns of lexical motivation across languages has a long, if discontinuous, history in Western linguistic thought. The aim of the article is to trace this history by presenting examples that highlight the enduring fascination of authors from very different traditions with recurrent patterns of lexico-semantic associations. It also discusses the significance attributed to these patterns, which ranges from their practical value in etymological research to proving the psychic unity of mankind.

Table of contents

The lexicon of human languages has hybrid characteristics. On the one hand, the basic signs that it contains can be considered arbitrary (Saussure 1971 [1916]): from the synchronic perspective of an individual language, there simply is no reason why the word for “tree” has the form arbre in French and Baum in German (however, see Blasi et al. 2016, for subtle patterns of sound-meaning associations that only emerge through comparison of a large set of languages). Consequently, according to a view championed by Leonard Bloomfield (1984 [1933]: 274), the lexicon can be considered a list of items that are merely an “appendix of the grammar”, which must be memorized by rote learning. On the other hand, as Saussure (1971 [1916]: 181) likewise noted, there is the phenomenon that he calls motivation relative “relative motivation”: within the lexicon, there are extensive and finely spun webs of associations between individual lexical items and the concepts they denote, which are governed by laws of cognitive associations (Saussure’s rapports associatifs) and can be measured in word association norms (cf., e.g., Church & Hanks 1990). The lexicon is also structured by patterns of polysemy, in which two or more related concepts are associated with the same linguistic sign, sometimes in regular ways (Apresjan 1974). Moreover, to a different extent in different languages (Urban 2012, 2016), lexical items are linked on the basis of word formation, which adds a further layer of interrelatedness and structure between the linguistic signs of a language: the French poirier “pear tree” is derived from poire “pear” and the German Birnbaum is a compound of Birne “pear” and Baum “tree”. Etymology is relevant because it is the discipline of linguistics that is capable of uncovering erstwhile derivational relationships and cases of word formation that have become obscure through historical processes of lexicalization (Pisani 1975 [1967], Brinton & Traugott 2005). As devices that structure and enhance the lexicon on both the formal and the semantic side, polysemy relations and word formation both bring about lexical motivation (cf. Koch 2001): thus, the German Birnbaum, for instance, is motivated by its formal relations to Birne “pear” and Baum “tree” and by the semantic relationship between the compound and its constituent parts.

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