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Konrad Koerner
Hull, Quebec
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed.

. 1983 . Histoire de la linguistique: La tradition irlandaise . (= Collection Travaux d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques, Séries VIII, No.2 .) Paris : Département de Recherches Linguistiques, Université de Paris VII, [iv], 35 pp. [ A brief survey of the study of language in Ireland; cf. a related study by the same author mentioned in HL X.375; bib. (30–35) .]

, comp. 1984 . Fred W. Householder: Bibliography . (= Arcadia Bibliographica Virorum Eruditorum, 7 .) Bloomington, Indiana : Eurolingua ( Box 101, Bloomington, IN 47402 ), [v], 37 pp. [ Compilation of Fred W(alter) Householder’s publication list on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It contains, among other things, a picture of Householder and individual appraisals of his accomplishments by several of his former students, including Dell Hymes (26–28), as well as colleagues, such as Alo Raun (24–25) and Victoria A. Fromkin (25–26) .]

. 1984 . Aristotle’s Theory of Language and Its Tradition: Texts from 500 to 1750 . Selection, translation, and commentary . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 29 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , V, 532 pp. [ This important volume traces, with the help of selected texts in English translation, the “extraordinary fate of [Aristotle’s] Peri hermenias” (= title of the introductory chapter, 6–15), in particular its Latin translation (De interpretatione), from its influential commentaries by the-Alexandrian grammarian Ammonius (fl.400), who taught at Constantinople, and the Roman statesman and philosopher Anicius Manlius Severinus (c.475–524), known as Boethius, probably the last great Roman writer who understood Greek, down to the English philosopher and philologist James Harris (1709–1780), whose Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar of 1751 (5th ed., 1794), translated into German in 1788 and into French (by François Thurot) in 1796, follows Aristotelian concepts and categories at times rather blindly. Each text selection is followed by a commentary by the translator and editor; pages 18–20 give Aristotle’s text in its original Greek; all other texts are given in English translation only, with notes. Following the 3 authors already mentioned, the book presents the commentaries on De interpretatione by Peter Abelard (1079–1142), Albertus Magnus (c.1193–1280), Thomas Aquinas (1225–75), Martinus de Dacia (d.1304), and John of St.Thomas (1589–1644). Several of the texts are rather extensive (e.g., those by Ammonius and Boethius) and Arens’ commentaries as well. These texts and their commentaries will become the reference tool that no scholar in the field will be able to ignore. The back matter consists of a brief bib. (523–25), a concordance (527 to 529), and an index of persons (530–32) .]

A Tribute to Roman Jakobson, 1896–1982 . 1983 . Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton Publishers , VII, 96 pp. , portrait . [ The book constitutes the proceedings of a meeting held under the same title at the Kresge Auditorium of the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., 12 Nov. 1982. It consists of 5 major papers devoted to particular aspects of Jakobson’s oeuvre (by Sir Edmund Leach, Edward Stankiewicz, Paul Kiparsky, Calvert Watkins, and Vjačeslav V. Ivanov), and ‘Homages and Reminiscences’ by Gennadij Ajgi, Dell Hymes, Linda R. Waugh, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Morris Halle, Horace G. Lunt, Morris Halle, Calvert Watkins, Noam Chomsky, Walter A. Rosenblith, Victor F. Weisskopf, Jerome Bruner, and Stephen Rudy. In addition, there is a brief introduction (p.5) by M. Halle, and a poem both in Spanish and English translation by Octavio Paz (6–9). Some of the homages are fairly brief, Hymes, consists of a poem, Ivanov’s is in Russian, and Lévi-Strauss’ has an English translation on facing page .]

ed. 1984 . Papers from the XIIth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages . (= Current Issues in Linguisyic Theory, 26 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XII, 611 pp. [ The vol. contains revised versions of the bulk of papers presented at XII.LSRL held at Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park Pa., 1–3 April 1982. The contents are organized according to 3 headings, French, Spanish, and Varia, with contributions by Jean Casagrande, Marie-Thérèse Vinet, Heles Contreras, James W. Harris, Carlyn Quinte-ro, Carmen Silva-Corvalán, Margarita Suner, Simon Belasco, Maurice Gross, Jurgen Klausenburger, María Rosa Menocal, Geoffrey S. Nathan & Margaret Winters Epro, John Robert Schmitz, Leo Wetzels, and others. The back matter consists of indices of names (601–604), of languages (605–606), and of subjects (607–611) .]

Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1980 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1980 … . The Hague-Boston-London : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , 1983 , L, 782 pp. [ Edited by J. J. Beylsmit, with the assistance of H. Borkent & Mark Janse and the collaboration of various other scholars [cf. the list on p.v]. This vol. has some 13,675 entries, and given the tremendous coverage of the bibliography, it contains a number of items of interest to readers of HL, not only in the special rubric on History of Linguistics (pp.81–88: 122 entries), but in sections dealing with biographies, festschriften and, especially, “Linguistic Theory” (4957), e.g., entries no.989, 1028, 1038, etc., and “Philosophy of Language” (57–62), e.g., entries no.1128, 1189, 1192, 1210, etc. ]

Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1981 et complément des années précédentes. Publié par le Comité International Permanent des Linguistes sous les auspices du Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines Edité par J. J. Beylsmit , avec l’assistance de H. Borkent & Mark Janse . [ English title on opposite page .] The Hague-Boston-Lancaster : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , 1984 , L, 861 pp. [ This is evidently the largest volume of the BL to date, with 15,069 entries altogether. The “Biographies” rubric (35–53) contains some 450 entries; the “History of Linguistics” section (104–115) counts 225 titles, some 100 more than in the previous year (see above). This increase, however, may largely be due to the supplements of previous years (especially 1978–80) rather than a significant increase in scholarly output in this field of interest. Another reason appears to be the inclusion of a variety of titles that in previous volumes might well have appeared under the ‘Philosophy of Language’ or ‘Linguistic Theory’ headings .]

. 1984 . Toward Proto-Nostratic: A new approach to the comparison of Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Afroasiatic . (= Current Trends in Linguistic Theory, 27 .) Foreword by Paul J(ohn) Hopper . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XI, 356 pp. [ This comparison of the phonological and morphological structures of Indo-European and Semitic Hamitic (= Afro-Asiatic) languages with a view of establishing a proto-system uniting these two large language families consists of 3 parts: “Indo-European section” (5–131); “Afro-asiatic section” (133–78), and “Indo European and Afroasiatic” (179290). The author concludes from his research that “[t]he similarities between Indo-European and Afroasiatic are so numerous that the possibility of common genetic origin can no longer be dismissed – in fact, the data presented in this study compel us to dismiss any other possibility.” (291). Rich bib. (293–315) and detailed ‘Index verborum’ (317–56) .]

. 1983 . Marsilius of Inghen: Treatises on the Properties of Terms . A first critical edition of the Suppositiones, Ampliations, Restrictiones and Alienationes with introduction, translation, notes and appendices . (= Sythese Historical Library: Texts and studies in the history of logic and philosophy, 22 .) Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster : D. Reidel Publ. Co. , IX, 274 pp. [ This ed. and transl. of Marsilius of Inghen’s (1340–1396) five treatises on logic consists of the following parts: I, “Introduction [in which the author’s life & work is described, the MS situation analysed, and the technique of the present ed. is explained]” (3–48); II, “Text and Translation [the latter on recto throughout, facing the Latin text]” (52–163), followed by an extensive ‘Apparatus criticus’ (164–86), and II, “Notes to the Text” (189–232). These are followed by appendices (234–54), incl. one on “Points of difference between Marsilius of Inghen’ s Treatises on the Properties of Terms with Buridan’s theory”. a bib. (255–61), indices to the Latin text (262–65), indices to the other parts of the study (266–73), and an index of MSS (274) .]

. 1984 . Discours physique du langage: Genèse et histoire de la neurolinguistique . Paris : Editions Klincksieck , 234 pp. [ This book sketches the history of neurolinguistic interests from the classical period to the mid-1970s. It has the following four chaps.: 1, “L’archéologie de la neurolinguistique” (11/13–35); 2, “Une mythologie du corps et de l’esprit” (37/39–84); 3, “Du domaine des mots à celui des choses” (85/87–139), and 4, “La naissance d’une neurolinguistique” (141/143–203), which begins with “l’ère de Broca”. To each of these chaps. the author has added useful notes, which supply, inter alia, interesting biographical information. The back matter consists of a bib. of over 400 entries (204–225), an index of names (226 to 231), and a ‘Table des matières’ (233–34) .]

. 1984 . Mind and Language: Essays on Descartes and Chomsky . (= Publications in the Language Sciences, 14 .) Dordrecht/ Holland & Cinnaminson, N.J. : Foris Publications , XIV, 154 pp. [ This volume consists largely of previously published papers, in which B. has consistently supported Chomsky’s version of Cartesianism, not to mention his ‘Cartesian Linguistics’ (though B. is a philosopher, not a linguist); cf., e.g., Journal of the History of Philosophy 18/1970. 181–82; Language Sciences No.22 (Oct.1972 – not 1979, as indicated in the Acknowledgements, p.vii), and various contributions to Dialogue during the 1970s. The book contains also counter-attacks on Hans Aarsleff’s and Geoffrey Sampson’s attacks on Chomsky as well as those who accept their criticisms. The book title is quite misleading if one finds chapters such as “Essence, Accident and Race” (39–50), “Philosophy and Racism” (51–66); “Minds and Oaths” (67–82); “Toleration Theories: Bayle, Jurieu, Locke” (83–96), and similar subjects taken up the bulk of the volume, which certainly has little to do with ‘the language sciences’, as the series in which it appears would make the reader believe. Caveat emptor. Bib. (137–45) contains very few linguistics titles; nsme index (147–49); subject index (151–54) .]

ed. 1984 . Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics: Papers of the Third International Hamito-Semitic Congress [held at the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 2931 March 1978 ]. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 28 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XI, 505 pp. [ The vol. prints contributions by Igor M. Diakonoff, Bogumil W. Andrzejewski, Francesco Antinucci & Annarita Puglielli, David L. Appleyard, Richard J. Hayward, Hans-Jürgen Sasse, Andrzej Zaborski, Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Paul Newman, Russel G. Shuh, Ekkehard Wolff, James Bynon, Paulette Galand-Pernet, Lionel Galand, Karl-G(eorg) Prasse, Pieter Reesink, Werner Diem, Felice Israel, Thomas M. Johnstone, Chaim Rabin, Anton Schall, Archibald N. Tucker, Carleton T(aylor) Hodge, Karel Petráček, J. Joseph Pia, Pascal Vernus and Werner Vycichl. 3 indices round off the volume, pertaining to languages (489–94), names (495–502), and subject matter (503–505) .]

. 1983 . Le Pale della Crusca . Firenze : Presso l’Axxademia [ con il contributo della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze ], 561 pp. in-4° . [ Vol.1 of a 3-volume set on the occasion of the ‘IV Centenario dell’Accademia della Crusca’ – cf. Parodi 1983 (twice) for the other two volumes. This one, as the subtitle ‘cultura e simbologia’ indicates, is devoted to the cultural and semiotic tradition of the Academy – note that ‘crusca’ means “bran”, i.e., the broken coat of the seed of cereal grain separated from the flour, and that each member of the Academy had to choose an image and a verse that could in any way be connected with ‘bran’, such as machinery used in the production of meal, animals eating bran, related plants, etc. The chaps, are entitled: I, “Vicende storiche e problemi filologici” (7–43); II, “Immagini e significati” (45–110); III, “Mondo agricolo, cultura materiale, scienza e tecnica nell’iconografia della pale” (111–140), and IV, “Tra la ‘Crusca’ eil ‘disegno’: Problemi attribuzionistici” (141–52). This is followed by a catalog of some 160 reproductions of individual shovels depicting images and motti together with the ‘soprannome’ chosen by each member, with description and attribution on opposite page (156–465’,). The back matter consists of 2 appendices of authors’ names, surnames, and graphic reproductions of their shovels (dating from 1684) and facsimiles of such entries in the Academy’s registers. A number of indices (533–59) conclude this richly illustrated and most carefully produced volume .]

ed. 1984 . New Directions in Linguistics and Semiotics . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 32 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , ix, 269 pp. [ This vol. brings together the papers presented at the Rice Univ. symposium on New Directions in Linguistics & Semiotics held on the occasion of the establishment of a Department of Linguistics & Semiotics there, 18–20 March 1982. It contains, inter alia, the following papers: “On the Aims of Linguistics” by Sydney M(acDonald) Lamb (1–11), the first director of this newly-created Department; “Mellow Glory: See language steadily and see it whole” by Winfred P(hilipp) Lehmann (17–34); “The Uniqueness Fallacy” by Charles F(rancis) Hockett (35–6); “Linguistics in the University: The question of social accountability” by M(ichael) A(lexander) K(irkwood) Halliday (51–67); “Lessons from American Indian Linguistics” by Mary R(osamund) Haas (68–72), and by 7 others, incl. Ilse Lehiste, Robert E. Longacre, and Sebastian Shaumyan. The back matter consists of biographical sketches of each contributor (259–64) and an index of names & subjects (265–69) .]

. 1983 . Gustave Guillaume et la psycho-systématique du langage: Bibliographie annotée . (= Cahiers de Psychomécanique du Langage, no number .) Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval , IX, 237 pp. [ This vol. consists of 2 parts, I, “Travaux de Gustave Guillaume [-(1883–1960)]” (3–37), and II “Travaux des disciples et des critiques de Gustave Guillaume” (41–213). This is preceded by a preface (vii-ix), and followed by 3 indices, “des auteurs” (215–21), “des matières” (223–29), and “des comptes rendus [of writings by Guillaume as well as by others associated with his school of thought]” (231–35). – Similar bibliographical works have been appearing since 1978, and as the listings of secondary literature ends in 1981 (p.164) and 1980 (p.213), respectively, one wonders which of the previous publications the present one is actually replacing. – For those wishing to acquaint themselves with Guillaume’s ideas at firsthand (but cannot read French), reference should be made to the recent translation of selected statements by him on the nature of language as well as its theory prepared by Walter Hirtle & John Hewson, Gustave Guillaume: Foundations for a Science of Language (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1984), together with an introd. and a select bib. of primary and secondary sources .]

Diachronica: International Journal for Historical Linguistics / Revue internationale pour la Linguistique historique / Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Linguistik Edited by Philip H. Baldi, Allan R. Bomhard, and Konrad Koerner . Vol. I , No. 1 ( Spring 1984 ), vii, 160 pp. Publisher : Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York . [ Contributions by Norbert Boretzky, André Martinet, Vladimir I. Georgiev, Witold Mańczak, Ladislav Zgusta, John T. Jensen, Paul Kent Andersen, Tadao Shimomiya, Martti Nyman, and the editors .]

. 1983 . Johann Bödikers Grund-Sätze der deutschen Sprache; mit den Bearbeitungen von Johann Leonhard Frisch und Johann Jakob Wippel . Heidelberg : Carl Winter Univ.-Verlag , 420 pp. [ This former dissertation, Univ. of Bamberg, 1983, deals with the Grund= Sätze der Deutschen Sprachen [sic] im Reden und Schreibeb/Samt einem Bericht vom rechten Gebrauch der Vorwörter/Der studierenden Jugend und allen Deutschliebenden zum Besten vorgestellt by Johann Bödiker (1641–95), which first appeared in 1690 (at Cölln an der Spree, now a part of Berlin), and which was subsequently revised and edited by Johann Leonhard Frisch (1666–1743) and Johann Jacob Wippel (1714–65), school masters and associates of Bödiker and Bödiker’s son in several new versions until 1746 (7th ed.) The study analyses the changes in the various editions of this influential 18th-century grammar of German, in this in various fields of interest such as lexicography, orthography, morphology, word formation, syntax as well as general linguistics. Bib. (13–34); index of subjects and terms (414–18) as well as of persons (419–20) .]

1983 . Die Chiffre der Sympathie liegt in der Proportion: Leibniz und seine Rezeption in der Sprachwissenschaft . (= Arbeitsberichte, 1 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 21 pp. [ Slightly enlarged version of the author’s paper presented at the 4th Intl Leibniz Congress (“Leibniz: Werk und Wirkung”), held in Hanover, 14–19 Nov. 1983. Bib. (15–21) .]

eds. 1984 . Fallstudien zur Historiographie der Linguistik: Heraklit, d’Ailly und Leibniz . (= Arbeitsbe-richte, 2 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 61 pp. The booklet consists of 3 contributions: 1, Peter Schmitter, “Zum Heraklitverständnis in der gegenwärtigen Geschichtsschreibung in der Linguistik: Einige Aspekte der Bedingtheit des historiographischen Urteils” (3–20); 2, Ludger Kaczmarek, “Modi significandi and their Destructions: A 14th-century controversy about methodological issues in the science and the theory of language” (21–33), and 3, Klaus D. Dutz, “Natürliche Sprache und/oder ideale Sprache? Zwei Ansatzpunkte bei der Betrachtung der Sprach- und Zeichentheorie im 17. Jahrhundert” (35–61). – All 3 papers were first read at ICHoLS II, Lille, Sept. 1981 .]

. 1983 . Kleine Geschichte der Anglistik in Deutschland: Eine Einführung . Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , VIII, 332 pp. [ This history of English as a subject of university instruction in Germany complements earlier studies such as Konrad Schröder’s Zur Geschichte des englischen Unterrichts an deutschsprachigen Universitäten von den Anfängen bis 1850 (Ratingen, 1969) and a 1978 dissertation by Gunta Haenicke (mentioned under ‘Haenicke 1981’ above). It contains, apart from an introduction (1–12) and informative back matter (211ff.), the following chaps.: 1, “Vorgeschichte der Anglistik” (13–26); 2, “Frühgeschichte der Anglistik: Das 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Errichtung anglistischer Lehrstühle” (27–53); 3, “Lehrstühle und Seminare: Die Zeit bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg” (54–125); 4, “Vom Ersten zum Zweiten Weltkrieg” (126–68); 5, “Aufbau und Ausbau (1945–1965)” (169–95), and 6, “Von der Geschichte zur Gegenwart” (196–205). Following the conclusion (206–209), there are altogether 26 statistics in the form of tables on a variety of subjects, including the student enrolment, the number of professors and instructors at different periods in the development of the subject, the subjects taught, etc., endnotes (259–301), bib. (303–313), and indices of persons (315–23), geographical names (323–25), and subjects (325–32). – All in all, a most informative study .]

. 1983 . Beiträge zu den Beziehungen der europäischen und der rumänischen Linguistik. Eine Geschichte der rumänischen Linguistik des 19. Jahrhunderts. HauptStrömungen der Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert . Bochum : Studienverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer ; Bukarest : Meridiane Verlag , 324 pp. [ This study, which delineates the history of linguistics in Romania (and this to a great extent in its relationship to European, in fact mainly German comparative-historical philology of the past century) consists of the following major chapters: 1, “Die rumänische Sprache in ausländischen Untersuchungen [from Adelung’s Mithridates onwards]” (32–68); 2, “Europäische Geistesströmungen in der rumänischen Philologie” (68–163); 3, “Die rumänische Linguistik im internationalen Vergleich (letztes Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts)” (164–272), and “Schlußbetrachtungen” (273–83). Index of authors (284–89), and very rich bibliography of primary and secondary sources (290–324): ca.700 titles, giving the life-dates of the main 19th and early 20th century scholars treated in the book .]

ed. 1984 . Leo Weisgerber zum 85. Geburtstag . [ Together with ] Schriftenverzeichnis Leo Weisgerber zusammengestellt von Klaus D. Dutz . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 8 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 97 pp. [ Biographical sketch of Johann Leo Weisgerber (11–32); list of publications (35/38–91, and index of terms and subjects (92–97) .]

. 1984 . Syntax: A functional-typological introduction . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XX, 464 pp. [ This is volume I of an apparently two or more volume enterprise; in it the author presents “an attempt to give an explicit, systematic and comprehensive picture of syntax, semantics and pragmatics as a unified whole” (Preface, p.vii). The book is chaptered as follows: 1, “Background” (1–28); 2, “Methodological Preliminaries: Communicative Function and Syntactic Structure” (29–45); 3, “Word Classes” (47–84); 4, “Simple Sentences: Predications and Case Roles” (85–134); 5, “Case-Marking Typology: Subject, Object and Transitivity” (135–85); 6, “Word-Order Typology” (187–237); 7, “Information-Theoretic Preliminaries to Discourse Pragmatics” (239–67); 8, “Tense-Aspect-Modality” (269–320); 9, “Negation” (321–51); 10, “Pronouns and Grammatical Agreement” (353–85), and 11, “Definiteness and Referentiality” (387435). – The historian of linguistics and the ‘homo bibliographicus’ may detect numerous, at times grotesque, errors and misprints in the bibliography (437–53), where Hugo Schuchardt’s name is given as Schu-hardt (451, 452), and the Cours listed as “Saussure, F. de (1915[!]) Course in General Linguistics, trans. [!] by C. Bally and A. Feid-linger [?!], New York: Philosophical Library [1959]” –. There is an index of subjects (455–64) .]

eds. 1984 . Karl Bühlers Axiomatik: Fünfzig Jahre ‘Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften’ . Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann , 260 pp. [ This is a collective volume of papers brought together on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Karl Bühler’s 1933 essay, “Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften” (Kantstudien 38.19–90). Following a lengthy introduction by the editors (7–16), the vol. contains the following papers: Elisabeth Ströker, “Bühlers Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften im Kontext: Eine problemgeschichtliche Skizze” (17–51); Achim Eschbach, “Karl Bühlers Axiomatik und das Axiomensystem der Zeichentheorie” (53–104); Klaus Heger, “‘Zeigfeld’ und ‘Symbolfeld’” (105–116); Wolfgang Klein, “Bühler Ellipse” (117–41); Theo Herrmann, “Sprachstrukturen und ihre aktionale Realisation: Psychologische Erwägungen zu Karl Bühler’s ‘Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften’” (143172); Werner Deutsch & Robert J. Jarvella, “Asymetrien zwischen Sprachproduktion und Sprachverstehen” (173–99); Margret Wintermantel, “Sprachereignis als soziale Handlung” (201–216), and Carl Friedrich Graumann, “ [Wilhelm] Wundt [(1832–1920)] – [George Herbert] Mead [(1863–1931)]- Bühler: Zur Sozialität und Sprachlichkeit menschlichen Handelns” (217–47). – Master list of references (249–60); no index .]

. 1979 . Zur Geschichte der Anglistik an deutsch-sprachigen Universitäten . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 8 .) Augsburg : Englisches Institut der Univ. Augsburg , LXVI, 407 pp. [ 1978 dissertation, Univ. of Augsburg, this study constitutes the first (and very thorough) history of the study of English at German-speaking universties from 1850 to 1925. (Chap.2 of the original dissertation – whose table of contents is printed on p.93 of the present publication – was published in 1982 in number 4 of the same series in a collective volume titled Prüfungs- und Studienordnungen – Anglistik und Amerikanistik: Synchrone und diachrone Dokumentation ed. by Thomas Finken-staedt et al.; its title is “Zur Geschichte des Faches Englisch in den Prüfungsordnungen für das Höhere Lehramt, 1831–1942”.) Following the front matter, which contains the relevant bib. for individual chapters of the study (xix-lxvi) among other things – cf. also the same author’s 1981 publication listed below, there are the following chaps.: 1, “Zur Theorie der Anglistik 1841–1927” (9–90); 2, see above (here only presented in summary form, 95–97); 3, “Zur Geschichte der Lehrstühle für englische Philologie” (99–212), and 4, “Zur Geschichte der Englischen Seminare” (215–349). The back matter consists of endnotes to individual chaps. (351–71) and very useful indices of names (375–85) and subjects (386–407). It is evident from this study that it served as an important source for Finkenstaedt’s recent Little History of Anglistics in Germany (see Finkenstaedt 1983 above) .]

. 1981 . Biographisches und bibliographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte der Anglistik, 1850–1925 (mit einem Anhang bis 1945) . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, herausgegeben von Thomas Finkenstaedt und Konrad Schröder, 13 .) Augsburg : Philosophische Fakultät der Universität [Institut für Anglistik] , XXVI, 217 pp. [ Biobiblio-graphical dictionary of (usually full) professors of English language (and literature) mainly in German-speaking lands, this work grew out of the author’s 1978 dissertation, Zur Geschichte der Anglistik an deutschsprachig sehen Universitäten, 1850–1925 (published Augsburg, 1979). It contains very useful information on the careers of some 250 scholars in the field, from Johann Valentin Adrian (1793–1864) to Julius Zupitza (1844–95), incl. a select bib., frequently a characteristic (taken from obituaries and other biographical sources), and references to secondary sources and places where pictures could be found. A very useful reference tool indeed. – The restriction (with a few exceptions referred to in the preface, to the curricula vitae of those ‘who made it to the top of the academic ladder (or almost)’ led to the exclusion to scholars such as Philipp Aronstein (1862–1942), for instance, on whom information can be obtained in HL II.126–29 (1975) .]

1983 . Proto-Romance Morphology . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 30 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XIII, 304 pp. [ This book is actually volume III of the author’s Comparative Romance Grammar, of which the first two – External History of the Romance Languages and Proto-Romance Phonology – appeared in 1974 and 1976 with the imprint of American Elsevier, New York. It consists of 5 main parts: I, “Introduction” (1–6); II, “Proto-Romance Inflection” (7–107); III, “Proto-Romance Derivation” (108–163); IV, “From Latin to Proto-Romance” (164–88), and V, “Early Developments in Romance” (189–207). The back matter consists of comparative tables, list of Proto-Romance words, a bib. (293–302), and an index of topics (303–304). – Cf. the review by Ralph P(aul) de Gorog in Diachronica I:2 (1984), for details .]

, with the assistance of Tadao Shimomiya and Yoshio Nagashima eds. 1983 . Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29 – September 4, 1982, Tokyo. (Published under the auspices of CIPL, The Hague) . Tokyo : no publisher , LXII, 1453 pp. [ The volume contains the following papers presented in Section 9 (History of Linguistics): Werner Bahner, “‘Paradigm’ or ‘Current’ in the History of Linguistics” (847–49); Theo Bungarten, “Historische Perspektiven und künftige Anforderungen an die Fachsprachenforschung” (850–53); Walter A. Cook, S.J., “Case Grammar, 1982” (854–56); “[Georg von der] Gabelentz [(1840–93)] und [Tsugio] Sekiguchi [(1894–1958)]” by Kennosuke Ezawa (857–59); W. Terrence Gordon, “Saussurean Structuralosm and J. R. Firth” (860–63); Roy Harris, “TheSpeech-Communication Model in 20th-century Linguistics and its Sources [in Locke & Saussure]” (864–69); John Hewson, “Content and Expression from Saussure to the Present” (870–73); Ivan Kalmar, “The Phoenix of Evolution [in historical linguistics]” (874876); E. F. Konrad Koerner, “A Critique of Recent Histories of Linguistics [with regard to TGG]” (877–80) – cf. Language & Communication 3.147–69 (1983) for an elbaoration; Kenneth L(ee) Pike, “The Future for Unit-in-Context: the Tagmeme” (881–83); Jørgen Rischel, “The Abstractness Paradox in Hjelmslevian Linguistics” (884–87); Val-ter Tauli, “The Future Paradigm of Linguistics [i.e., language planning]” (888–91), and V(alentin) P(avlovic) Vompersky, “From the History of Russian Linguistics [17th and 18th centuries]” (892–95). Cf. also the abstracts of papers of Working Group I “History (and Philosophy) of Science and Linguistics”, organized and introduced (12131214) by E. F. K. Koerner: Mario Bunge, “Philosophical Problems in Twentieth-Century Linguistics” (1214–15); Terence H. Wilbur, “The Use of the Term ‘Psychology’ in the Linguistic Discourse of the 1870s and 1880s” (1215–16); Kurt R. Jankowsky, “On the Concept of ‘History’ in 19th-century Linguistics” (1216–17); James A. Bell, “Theories of Linguistics and Philosophy of Science” (1217–18); Ranjit Chatterjee, “The Notion of ‘Rule’ and the Scientificity of Linguistics” (1218), and Stephen O. Murray, “Why the Historian of Linguistics Needs Sociology” (1219–20) .

. 1981 . Uncle Cam: The Story of William Cameron Towns end, founder of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics . Milford, Michigan : Mott Media , 272 pp. [ First published in 1974 by Word Incorporated, this book constitutes a biography of the late William Cameron Townsend (1896–1982), who, in 1935, during the time that General Lázaro Cárdenas (1895–1970) was President (1934–40), established the first Summer Institute. The book contains many photographs, but has no bib. and no index .]

. 1984 . That Most Subtle Question (Quaestio subtilis-sima): The metaphysical bearing of medieval and contemporary linguistic disciplines . Manchester : Manchester Univ. Press , XVIII, 337 pp. [ This historical study of ideas of concern to philosophers of language and logicians of grammar from Aristotle to Czeslaw Lejewski, with particular emphasis on the medieval period (Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury, Boethius of Dacia, and others), consists of the following chapters (many of which derive, like the book’s title, from Rabelais’s grotesque, but at times quite erudite, description of the Parisian library of St.Victor in Pantagruel): 0, “Propositional syntax and semantics” (1–45); 1, “Metaphysics and method” (46–66); 2, “The taming of the chimera [i.e., ‘empty names’]” (67–137); 3, “Towards quiddity” (138–78); 4, “Quiddity” (179–262); 5, “Disputed questions [e.g., indefinites and indeterminacy, etc.]” (263–318), and 6, “Technical Appendix” (319–31), dealing with categorial indices, quantifiers, punctuation, ontology, etc Index of names & subjects (332–37) .]

Histoire – Epistémologie – Langage . Revue publié par la Société d’Histoire et d’épistémologie des Sciences du Langage (S.H.E.S.L.), avec l’aide des Conseils Scientifiques des Universités de Lille III et Paris VII. Tome 4, fasc.1–2 (1982) and Tome 5, fasc.1–2 (1983). Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille. – [IV:1 (174 pp.) is devoted to the subject of ‘Les Idéologues et les sciences du langage’ and was ed. by Claude Désirat, T. Hordé and Sylvain Auroux, with contributions by the editors, Richard Baum, S. Delesalle, S. Branca, F. Dougnsc, J. Jamin – the first names of contributors are not given in most instances – Jean-Claude Chevalier, Lia Formigari, and others. HEL IV:2 (143 pp.), ed. by Geneviève Clerico & Irène Rosier, is devoted to ‘Statut des Langues/Approches des Langues à la Renaissance’ and carries contributions by Luce Giard (on Lorenzo Valla), Jacques Chomarat (ditto), Jean Stéfanini (on J. C. Scaliger), Pierre Lardet (ditto), Nina Catach (on Meigret, Péletier et al.), Michel Glattigny (on Louis Meigret), and Manuel Breva-Claramonte (on Sanctius). – HEL V:1 (172 pp.), ed. by Catherine Fuchs, is devoted to ‘L’Ellipse grammatical: Etudes épistémologiques et historiques’ and contains some 18 (mostly short) papers, not all of them (truly) historical in nature; contributors include Barry E. Bartlett, Mitsou Ronat, Irène Rosier, Françoise Soublin, Geneviève Clerico, Michel Le Guern, and others. – HEL V:2 (245 pp.), ed. by Frederic Nef, is organized under the heading of ‘La Sémantique logique: Problèmes d’histoire et de méthode’; most contributors are philosophers and/or logicians and most papers lack a historical perspective; particularly interesting to readers of HL may be William E. McMahon, “Did [Richard] Montague event ‘Montague Grammar’?” (117–37), and Pascal Engel, “La logique intensionnelle et l’héritsge de Frege en sémantique [philosophique/logique]” (95–116). Given the fact that contributions are usually in French many readers outside Europe will welcome the English summaries appended to each issue since HEL IV:2/1982 .]

. 1982 . The Insular Latin Grammarians . (= Studies in Celtic History, 3 .) Woodbridge, Suffolk : Boydell & Brewer [ In the USA: Biblio Distribution Services, POB 327, Totowa, NJ 07511 ], XIV, 131 pp. [ The author “gives us a study of how the Churches of the British Isles responded to the new linguistic need, which arose with the conversion of Ireland to Christianity in the fifth and sixth centuries” (from the general editor’s Foreword, p.viii). It consists of the following chaps.: “Introduction” (1–10); 2, “The Roman Grammarians” (11–29), from Donatus to Cledonius; 3, “The Christian Grammarians” (30–41); 4, “Virgilius Maro Grammaticus” (42–52); 5, “The Elementary Grammarians” (53–80); 6, “The Exegetical Grammarians” (81–97); 7, “The Car-olingians: heirs of the Insular tradition” (98–105), and 8, “Conclusion” (106–108). The back matter consists of a brief appendix, “The Classification of Insular Grammarians [in which Louis Holtz’s (1981) classification is amended]” (109–111), a bib. of primary (112–15) and secondary (115–19) sources, and indices of manuscripts (120–23), of provenances of MSS (124), of medieval library catalogs (125), and a general index of names, subjects, and terms (126–31) .]

. 1983 . Integrational Linguistics . Volume I : General Outline . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 17:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , XXIII, 527 plus 1 leaf of errata . [ This is the first of altogether six volumes of the author’s over-all linguistic theory: Vol.11 (A Theory of Grammars); vol.III (Language Universals and Language Contrast); vol.IV (Syntax and Semantics); vol.V (Morphology and Morphosemantics), and vol.VI (Lexical Semantics) are to appear in the course of the next year. Bib. (464482), index of names (483–85), index of ‘extratheoretical terms and subjects’ (486–519!), and list of ‘notational conventions’ (520–23), of symbols (523), of variables (524), and of constants (525–27) .]

. 1983 . Quattro secoli di Crusca, 1583–1983 . Firenze : Accademia della Crusca , 259 pp. in-4° . [ This is one volume of the 3-volume enterprise to commemorate the 4th centenary of the foundation of the Accademia della Crusca in Florence (cf. the next item and the title by Ciardi & Tomasi above), on which the reader may also be referred to the paper by its President, Giovanni Nencioni, “L’Accademia della Crusca e la lingua italiana”, HL 9.321–33 (1982). – The present volume constitutes a history of the Academy, consisting of the following chaps.: 1, “Come nacque l’idea” (11–51); 2, “Le tentazioni del rincipe-cardinale” (53–83); 3, “Molte cose son qui cagione d’inciam-po” (85–121); 4, “In un perpetuo provvisorio” (123–54); 5, “‘La Crusca in fermento’” (155–71), and 6, “Tradizione e rinnovamento” (173192. The back matter consists of the following items: “Le leggi dell’ Accademia della Crusca (Riformata l’anno 1589)” (195–200), including early 18th-century adjustments; “Costituzioni per il Regolamento in-terno dell’Accademia della Crusca [3 agosto 1813]” (201–206), and various subsequent constitutional amendments (207–243), followed by a detailed “Indice dei Nomi e degli Argomenti” (245–57) .]

). 1983 . Catalogo degli Accademici dalla fondazione . Firenze : Accademia della Crusca , 389 pp. in-4° . [ A listing, with biobibliographical data added, of the 976 (until April 1980) members of the Accademia, from its foundation in 1582 by the following 5 ‘letterati’: Giovan Battista Deti (1539–1607), Anton Francesco Grazzini (1503–1585), Bernardo Canigiani (1524–1604), Bernardo Zanchini (d.1585), actually a Floretine jurist, and Bastiano de’ Rossi (c.1556-c.1626). As its first member mention should be made of Lionardo Salviati (1540–89), on whom see Rudolf Engler’s paper in HL 9:3/1982. Many illustrious people were made members of the Academy, including, on 21 May 1746, Voltaire (cf. p.207). From post-WW II members (pp.279ff.), mention may be made of Bruno Miglio-rini (1896–1975), Benvenuto Aronne Terracini (1886–1968), Vittorio Santoli (1901–1971), Giacomo Devoto (1897–1974), Carlo Battisti (1882 to 1977), and among the living Carlo Alberto Mastrelli (b.1923), D’Arco Silvio Avalle (b.1920), and the editor of the present volume (b.1925), who became a corresponding member of the Accademia in 1980. The list of corresponding members (285–356), 274 in all, makes interesting reading. It includes French scholars such as Gaston Paris (1839–1903) and Paul Meyer (1840–1917), the Danish Romanist Kristof-fer Nyrop (1858–1931), a variety of Swiss philologists, such as Paul Aebischer (1897–1977), Walther von Wartburg (1888–1971), Karl Jaberg (1877–1958), Jacob Jud (1882–1952), and Paul Scheuermeier (1888–1973). Among German members, mention may be made of Karl Vossler (1872–1949), Gerhard Rohlfs (b.1892), Heinrich Lausberg (b.1912), and Harald Wein-rich (b.1927). Bibliographical abbreviations (357–62) and an index of names, including the various surnames assumed by members, conclude the informative volume (363–88) .]

. 1980 . History of Sanskrit Lexicography . New Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlat Publishers , VIII, 199 pp. [ Distributor in the U.S.A.: Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N.J..] [This survey of Sanskrit kexicography describes some 100 such works in roughly chronological order, from the 1st millenium B.C. to the mid-17th century A.D. (1–170). The back matter consists of an “Index of Sanskrit Lexical Works” (171–86), an “Index of Authors of Sanskrit Lexical Works” (187–96), and a short bib. (197–99). – Cf. the review note by Madhav V. Deshpande in Language 59:4.933 (Dec. 1983) for details .]

Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric Edited by James J(e-rome) Murphy . Berkeley : Univ. of California Press , Vol. 1 , Nos. 1 – 2 ( 1983 ), 108 and 114 pp. [ Publication of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (founded at Zürich on 30 June 1977); cf. the editorial by Murphy, “The Historiography of Rhetoric: Challenges and opportunities” (I:1.1–8). Contributors to the first two issues are, inter alios: Michael V. Fox, P. Osmund Lewry, James P. Zappen, Thomas Conley, John Poulakos, George A. Kennedy, Craig Kallendorf, Helmut Schanze, and Jørgen Fafner .]

. 1983 . Orientalism, Poetry, and the Millenium: The checkered life of Nathaniel Brassey Halhed 1751–1830 . Delphi/India : Motilal Banarsidass ; Columbia, MO : South Asia Books [POB 502] , XI, 354 pp. , 10 ill . [ A biography of Halhed, who is best known for his A Grammar of the Bengal Language, which first appeared in 1778 – there exist a modern facsmilie reprint of the book (Menston: Scholar Press, 1969), but who is of particular interest to linguistics because of his longtime association with Sir William Jones, whose ideas of the Indo-European language family he influenced significantly; cf. the same author’s paper, “Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, Sir William Jones, and Comparative Indo-European Linguistics”, which appeared in Recherches de Linguistique: Hommages à Maurice Leroy (Brussels, 1980), 173–80. Following the biography proper (3–255), there are editions of Hal-heds letters to Richard Brinsley Sheridan of 1770–71 (259/62–89), a letter to George Costard of 1779 (290/92–309, notes 310–12), a bib. of primary and secondary sources (313–39), and a general index (341354) .]

ed. 1984 . The Emergence of National Languages. Essays by Max L. Baeumer, Thomas Cable, Harvey Goldblatt, Kemal H. Karpat, Yakov Malkiel, Henry Paolucci, Aldo Scaglione . (= Speculum Artium, 11 .) Ravenna : A. Longo Editore , 233 pp. [“ The essays appearing in this volume are revised versions of papers read at the Fifth Burdick-Vary Symposium held on April 1–3, 1982 at the Institute for Research in the Humanities of the University of Wisconsin at Madison” (Preface, p.8). The subjects covered include “The Rise of National Languages:East and West” (9–49) by Aldo Scaglione; “A Linguist’s View of the Standardization of a Dialect” (51–73) by Yakov Malkiel, and Max L. Baeumer, “Luther and the Rise of the German Literary Language: A critical reassessment” (119–73). No index .]

. 1983 . Das Verbalsystem des Hopi: Eine semantische Strukturanalyse der Hopi-Grammatik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von B. L. Whorfs Thesen zur Zeitauffassung der Hopi-Indianer . Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität zu Münster, vorgelegt … 1982 . (= SAIS Arbeitsberichte aus dem Seminar für Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft; Heft 7 , Oktober 1983 .) Kiel : Univ. Kiel , [xviii], 698 pp. plus vita ( 2 pp. ). [ Detailed study devoted to the verbal system of Hopi in relation to the Whorfian hypothesis of linguistic relativity. Bib. (673–77); index of names and subjects (678–98). – A very thorough study and effective refutation of Whorf .]

. 1982 . Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World . (= Longman Linguistic Library, 28 .) London & New York : Longman , [VII], 240 pp. [ Of the 10 chaps, of the book, at least the first 8 are of widespread theoretical (and in part historical) interest: 1., “Fundamental Language Abilities of Speakers”; 2, “Chomsky’s Syntactic Based Grammar”; 3, “Semantic Based Grammar”; 4, “Grammar, Speaker Performance, and Psychological Reality”; 5, “Empiricism, Rationalism, and Behaviorism”, “Language and Thought”; 7, “Sentence Production and Understanding”, and 8, “Child Language Acquisition”. Bib. references (216–31); author index (233–36), and subject index (237–40), – The ‘Language & Thought’ chap. includes references to Wilhelm von Humboldt, Alfred Korzybski, Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Whorf, and others .]

ed. 1982 . The Prague School: Selected writings, 19291946 . Translated by John Burbank, Olga Hasty, Manfred Jacobson, Bruce Kochis, and Wendy Steiner . (= University of Texas Press Slavic Series, 6 .) Austin, Tex. : Univ. of Texas Press , XII, 219 pp. [ The volume brings together the following papers in English translation (following an introd. by the ed., “To Enter the Circle: The functionalist structuralism of the Prague School”, ix-xii): Petr Bogatyrev (18931971) & Roman Jakobson (1896–1982), “Folklore as a Special Form of Creativity” (1929; here pp.32–46); Sergej Karcevskij (1884–1955), “The Asymmetric Dualism of the Linguistic Sign” (1929; here pp.47–54); P. Bogatyrev, “A Contribution to the Study of Theatrical Signs” (first published in 1938; here pp.55–64); Jan Mukařovský (1891–1975), “Structuralism in Esthetics and in Literary Studies” (1941/1948; here pp. 65–82); Ladislav Rieger (1890–1958), “The Semantic Analysis of Philosophical Texts” (1941; here pp.83–102); Felix Vodička (1909–1974), “The Concretization of the Literary Work” (1941; here pp.103–134); Jindřich Honzl (1894–1953), “Ritual and Theatre” (1947; here pp.135173). These selections are preceded by a translation into English of the 1929 Thèses “presented to the First Congress of Slavic Philologists in Prague” (3–31), and concluded with an article by the ed., “The Roots of Structuralist Esthetics” (174–219). There is no comprehensive bib. and no index. – Cf. the volume ed. by Josef Vachek (1983) below .]

Travaux de Linguistique québécoise . Publiés par Jean Marcel Léard . (= Langue française au Québec, 4° section .) Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval , 1983 , 251 pp. [ Contains 7 papers on particulars and particularities of Quebec French by the editor, Paul Laurendeau, Mar-tine Néron, Gilles Poulin, Pierre Villiard, and Marie-Thérèse Vinet. There is a glossary of terms, a bib., and index of terms and expressions, and a more detailed disposition of individual papers .]

ed. 1983 . Praguiana: Some basic and les known aspects of the Prague linguistic school . Selected, translated and edited bu Josef Vachek & Libuše Dušková , with an Introduction by Philip A. Luels-dorf . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjsmins Publ. Co. , XXXI, 321 pp. [ The vol. contains English translations of papers by the following members of the Prague Linguistic Circle: Vilém Mathesius (1882–1945), dating from 1911, 1927 and 1929; Bohuslav Havránek (1893–1978): papers from 1929 and 1932; Vladimír Skalička (b.1909): paper from 1936; Jan Mu-kařovský (1891–1973): paper from 1932; Bohumil Trnka (1895–1983): paper from 1948, and altogether 4 papers by Josef Vachek (b.1909), from 1945, 1967, 1983 (published here for the first time), and 1978. In addition, the volume contains a paper by Luelsdorff “On Praguian Func-tionalism and Seome Extensions” (xi-xxxi), an English translation of the famous Thèses presented to the First Congress of Slavists held in Prague in 1929 (77–120), and a postscript by Vachek (275–302). There are indices of persons (303–308) and of subjects (309–321), both compiled by Vachek .]

. 1984 . La Notion de ‘marque’ chez Trubetzkoy et Jakobson: Un épisode de l’histoire de la pensée structurale . Lille : Atelier National, Reproduction des Thèses , Université Lille III ; Paris : Diffusion Didier-Erudition , 783 pp. [ Slightly revised version of the author’s 1982 Thèse d’Etat, Univ. de Paris IV-Sorbonne, in fact devoted to much more than the presentation of the evolution of this important ‘Praguean’ concept. The voluminous and carefully researched study has 5 major chapters, each subdivided into a variety of sections, so that the ‘Table des matières’ (781–83) may serve to a large extent as a guide through the complex history of the notion from Saussure to Chomsky & Halle: 1, “Introduction [in fact a minute history of the term and related notions, such as bundles of distinctive features, correlations, opposition, etc.]” (9/11–152); 2, “Le modèle phonologique de Trubetzkoy” (153/57–312); 3, :Le modèle phonologique de Jakobson” (313/317–437), and 4, “Jakobson et le structuralisme historique en morphologie: (439/43–579), with chap.5 serving as the concluding history (“Contradicteurs et continuateurs”, 581/85–702) of ‘marque’, ‘Merkmal’, etc. The back matter consists of the original citations (which are translated in the body of the text), a rich bib. (749–63), and indices of names (767–71), of languages (772–73), and of subjects and terms (774–79) .]