Volume 11, Issue 3 (1984)
PrefaceKonrad Koerner | pp. 349–353
Herder’s “Ursprung Der Sprache”Edward Sapir | pp. 355–388
The prospects of a sapir renaissance in linguisticsYakov Malkiel | pp. 389–396
Edward Sapir et la recherche anthropologique au Musée National du Canada 1910–1925Hélène Bernier | pp. 397–412
Sprache und Denken Bei Wundt, Paul und Marty Ein Beitrag Zur Problemgeschichte Der SprachpsychologieClemens Knobloch | pp. 413–448
Notes on the history of linguistic anthropologyStephen O. Murray | pp. 449–460
Edward Sapir in Japan: A survey of translations, 1940–1983Tetsuro Hayashi | pp. 461–466
Klaus Grotsch, Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung: Ein Beitrag zur Kritik und zur historischen und methodologischen Selbstvergewisserung der Disziplin (Göppingen, 1982)Reviewed by Herbert Ernst Brekle | pp. 467–474
Sámuel Gyarmathi, Grammatical Proof of the Affinity of the Hungarian Language with Languages of Fennic Origin. (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1983)Reviewed by Gyula Déscy | pp. 474–479
August Schleicher, Die Sprachen Europas in systematischer Übersicht: Linguistische Untersuchungen (Amsterdam & Philadelphi, 1983) and J. Peter Maher, With an introduction by, Linguistics and Evolutionary Theory: Three essays by August Schleicher, Ernst Haeckel, and Wilhelm Bleek (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1983)Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | pp. 479–483
Cornelis H(enricus) M(aria) Versteegh, Konrad Koerner & Hans-J(osef) Niederehe, Ed. by, The History of Linguistics in the Near East. (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1983)Reviewed by Muhammad H. Ibrahim | pp. 484–491
Some teachers who helped meKenneth L. Pike | pp. 493–495
Les Idéologues: Linguistique, Philosophie Du Langage Et Sémiotique Pendant La Révolution Francaise. Rapport D’un Colloque International Tenu à L’Université Libre De Berlin, 3–5 Octobre 1983Winfried Busse and Jürgen Trabant | pp. 496–499
Another royal investigation of the origin of language?Daniel J. Taylor | pp. 500–502
Publications Received / Eingegangene Schriften / Ouvrages ReçusKonrad Koerner | pp. 503–517
In this issue
Articles / Aufsätze
Review article / Rapport critique / Forschungsbericht
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene Schriften