Volume 28, Issue 3 (2001)
Phonetics and speaking machines: On the mechanical simulation of human speech in the 17th centuryZsuzsanna Fagyal | pp. 289–330
The efforts of the Aubrey correspondence group to revise John Wilkins’ Essay (1668) and their contextRhodri Lewis | pp. 331–364
Une traduction arabe de la grammaire de Lhomond (1857)Mohamed-Fadhel Bechraoui | pp. 365–400
Beatrice Bagola, Hrg. von, La lingüística española en la época de los descubrimientos: Actas del Coloquio en honor del profesor Hans-Josef Niederehe, Tréveris 16 a 17 de junio de 1997 (Hamburg, 2000)Rezensiert von Hans-Dieter Paufler | pp. 401–409
Jean Caravolas, Histoire de la didactique des langues au siècle des Lumières: Précis et anthologie thématique (MontréalTübingen, 2000)Compte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 410–413
Jean-Louis Chiss & Christian Puech, Le langage et ses disciplines, XIXe–XXe siècles (Paris & Bruxelles, 1999)Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | pp. 414–417
Vicente Calvo Fernández, Grammatica Proverbiandi: Estudio de la Gramática Latina en la Baja Edad Media Española (Münster, 2000)Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | pp. 418–423
Klaus D. Dutz, Ed. by, Interpretation und Re-Interpretation: Aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstages von Johann Leo Weisgerber (1899–1985) (Münster, 2000)Reviewed by Christopher M. Hutton | pp. 424–428
Sheila Embleton, John E. Joseph & Hans-Josef Niederehe, Ed. by, The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences: Studies on the transition from historical-comparative to structural linguistics in honour of E. F. K. KoernerHistoriographical perspectivesMethodological perspectives and applications (Philadelphia & Amsterdam, 1999)Reviewed by Winfred P. Lehmann | pp. 429–434
Giorgio Graffi, 200 Years of Syntax: A critical survey (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2001)Reviewed by Frederick J. Newmeyer | pp. 435–442
Roy Harris, Saussure and His Interpreters (Edinburgh, 2001)Reviewed by P. H. Matthews | pp. 443–447
W. John Hutchins, Edited by, Early Years in Machine Translation: Memoirs and biographies of pioneers (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, )Reviewed by Winfield Scott Bennett | pp. 448–450
Otto Zwartjes, Las gramáticas misioneras de tradición hispánica (siglos XVI–XVII) (Amsterdam & Atlanta, 2000)Reviewed by Even Hovdhaugen | pp. 451–453
How I got into linguistics, and what I got out of itWilliam Labov | pp. 455–466
Editor’s end-of-the-year pieceE. F. K. Koerner | p. 467
A brief comment re Jan Noordegraaf: “On the publication date of syntactic structures” (HL28:1/2 [2001]), P. 225C. H. van Schooneveld | p. 468
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Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen