Volume 4, Issue 2 (1977)
Wilhelm Bacher’s Place in the History of Hebrew LinguisticsAron Dotan | pp. 135–157
Weltansicht – Reflexionen Über Einen Begriff Wilhelm Von HumboldtsVolker Heeschen | pp. 159–190
An Ergative HistoriographyJonathan Seely | pp. 191–206
A Bibliography of Books on Language and Languages Printed in the United States Through the Year 1800Raoul N. Smith | pp. 207–243
Erhard Albrecht, Sprache und Philosophie (Berlin, 1975)Rezensiert von Adelhard Scheffczyk | pp. 245–252
Jonathan Culler, Saussure (Glasgow, 1976)Reviewed by Giulio C. Lepschy | pp. 252–255
Paul Diderichsen, Rasmus Rask und die grammatische Tradition: Eine Studie uber den Wende-punkt in der Sprachgeschichte [recte: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft] (Munich, 1976) et Rasmus Kristian Rask, A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue (LondresFrancfortAmsterdam, 1976)Compte rendu par Christian Peeters | pp. 255–259
Maria Di Salvo, Il pensiero linguistico d J. Baudouin de Courtenay, (Venezia & Padova, 1975)Reviewed by D. L. Olmsted and L. A. Timm | pp. 259–262
lorgu lordan, Comitetul român de istoria si filozofia stiintei, Istoria stiintelor în România: Lingvistica [ Comité roumain de l’histoire et de la philologie des sciences, L’histoire des sciences en Roumanie: La linguistique] (Bucarest, 1975)Compte rendu par Helmuth Frisch | pp. 262–268
James Kilbury, The Development of Morphophonemic Theory (Amsterdam, 1976)Reviewed by Josef Vachek | pp. 268–272
Schopenhauer and the Oupnek’HatStan J. Scott | pp. 273–276
First Announcement of International Conference on the History of LinguisticsE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 277–280
Articles / Aufsätze
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen