Alternative labels for “translation”

Table of contents

The developing views on translation as an object of study in TS are clearly described by Halverson in her entry on translation in the first volume of this Handbook (Halverson 2010): from the objectivist approaches during the earlier stages of translation research to the non-objectivist and the relativist views. This evolution towards a growing problematization of the translation concept reflects the available amount of research and knowledge. The insight that translation reality shows a complex image of different forms and appearances of translation processes and products, up to cultural transfer, has undermined too straightforward objectivist approaches.

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Further essential reading

Cattrysse, Patrick
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Gonne, Maud, Klaartje Merrigan, Reine Meylaerts, and Heleen van Gerwen
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Littau, Karin
2011 “First steps towards a media history of translation.” Translation Studies 4 (3): 261–281. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
van Doorslaer, Luc
2020 “Translation Studies: What’s in a name?Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 7 (2): 139–150. DOI logoGoogle Scholar