Children’s literature and translation

Table of contents

“Translation of Children’s Literature” is the dominant label for this area of study that some scholars prefer to label “Translation for Children” or “Translating for Children” since such labels emphasize that children are intended readers, not a textual trait. Translation of children’s literature is characterized by a series of traits. Among these, the most commonly treated by scholars in the field are: (1) cultural context adaptation, (2) ideological manipulation, (3) dual readership (the targeted audience includes both children and adults), (4) features of orality, and (5) the relationship between text and image.

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Alvstad, Cecilia
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2008b“Illustrations and Ambiguity in Eighteen Illustrated Translations of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Steadfast Tin Soldier.” Meta 53 (1): 90–103. DOI logo  TSBGoogle Scholar
Johnsen, Åse
2000“Oversettelse som ‘stupid mord’: tekstfunksjon og oversettelsesmetoder: en sammenligning av den engelske og den spanske oversettelsen av Sofies verden.” Tribune: skriftserie fra Romansk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 11: 43–61.. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Klingberg, Göte
1986Children’s Fiction in the Hands of the Translators. Malmö: Liber/Gleerup.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Lorenzo, Lourdes
2008“Las traducciones catalana, española, euskara y gallega de la serie Harry Potter: estudio comparativo-conclusivo.” In Estudios críticos de traducción de literatura infantil y juvenil. Análisis de las traducciones de obras inglesas y alemanas a las cuatro lenguas oficiales de España. Tomo II, Veljka Ruzicka Kenfel & Lourdes Lorenzo García (eds), 337–346. Oviedo: Septem Ediciones.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Oittinen, Riitta
2000Translating for Children. New York: Garland.  TSBGoogle Scholar
O’Sullivan, Emer
2006“Translating Pictures.” In The Translation of Children’s Literature. A Reader, Gillian Lathey (ed.), 113–121. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Shavit, Zohar
1986Poetics of Children’s Literature. Athens: University of Georgia Press.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Thomson-Wohlgemut, Gaby
2006“Flying High – Translation of Children’s Literature in East Germany.” In Children’s Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies, Jan Van Coillie & Walter P. Verschueren (eds), 47–59. Manchester: St. Jerome.Google Scholar

Further reading

Lathey, Gillian
(ed.) 2006The Translation of Children’s Literature. A Reader. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.  BoPGoogle Scholar
Oittinen, Riitta
(ed.) 2003 Traduction pour les enfants/Translation for Children . Special issue of Meta 48 (1–2).. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
O’Sullivan, Emer
2005Comparative Children’s Literature. New York: Routledge. Translated by Anthea Bell.  BoPGoogle Scholar
Tabbert, Reinbert
2002“Approaches to the Translation of Children’s Literature: A Review of Critical Studies since 1960.” Target 14 (2): 303–352. DOI logo  TSBGoogle Scholar
Van Coillie, Jan & Verschueren, Walter P
(eds) 2006Children’s Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies. Manchester: St. Jerome.  TSBGoogle Scholar