Complexity in translation studies

Kobus Marais
University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Table of contents

Because of the limitations inherent in human perception, memory and conceptualization, reality will always be more complex than human observation and thinking about it (McCabe 2014: 1). That said, the reductionist paradigm that has dominated Western scholarship over the last five centuries or so claims more than mere limited perceptual and conceptual abilities. It is based on the conviction that, underlying the complexity we observe, a few simple laws or principles account for all of reality or that reducing a problem to component parts allows one to deal with the problem (Morin 2008: 1). Mainly because of its acceptance of and technological success with Newtonian determinist mechanics, it assumes that all of reality is equally reducible to a few laws. In particular, the drive to be able to predict and control reality for human benefit informs the reductionist project.

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Further essential reading

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