The analysis of verbal and visual material surrounding and presenting published translations is increasingly becoming integrated into empirical research on translated texts. These materials which lie at the threshold of translations are referred to as ‘paratexts’, a term initially conceived to cover presentational elements of works in the literary field, including, but not limited to, translations. Typical examples of paratexts include titles and subtitles, pseudonyms, forewords, dedications, epigraphs, prefaces, intertitles, notes, epilogues, and afterwords (Macksey 1997: xviii) which all constitute devices and conventions, both within a book and outside it, which mediate the work to the reader. The term ‘paratext’ was elaborated by Gerard Genette in his book Seuils (1987) translated into English as Paratexts: The Thresholds of Interpretation (Genette 1997) and has rapidly caught the attention of translation scholars who wish to focus on elements that bridge translated texts with their readers and therefore shape their reception in a major way.
Asimakoulas, Dimitris
2006“Translation as a Means of Resistance: Paratexts in Translations of Brecht's Works during the Greek Junta (1967–1974).” In CTIS Occasional Papers 3, Samh Fekry Hanna (ed.), 79–103. Manchester: University of Manchester. TSB
Genette, Gérard
1987Seuils. Paris: éditions du Seuil.
Genette, Gérard
: Thresholds of Interpretation. Tr. Jane E. Lewin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harvey, Keith
2003“‘Events’ and ‘Horizons’. Reading Ideology in the ‘Bindings’ of Translations.” In Apropos of Ideology. Translation Studies on Ideology-Ideologies in Translation Studies, María Calzada Pérez (ed.), 43–70. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Kovala, Urpo
1996“Translations, Paratextual Mediation and Ideological Closure.”Target 8 (1): 119–148. TSB
Macksey, Richard
1997“Foreword.” In Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation, Gerard Genette (tr. Jane E. Lewin), xi–xxiii. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tahir Gürçağlar, Şehnaz
2002“What Texts Don’t Tell: The Use of Paratexts in Translation Research.” In Crosscultural Transgressions. Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues, Theo Hermans (ed.), 44–60. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Torres, Marie-Hélène C
2002“Indices de statut de roman traduit - 1. Paratexte.”Meta 47 (1): 5–15. TSB
Toury, Gideon
1995Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BoP
Watts, Richard
2000“Translating Culture: Reading the Paratexts to Aimé Césaire's Cahier d’un retour au pays natal.”TTR 13 (2): 29–46.