Table of contents
Revision is the process of looking over a translation to decide whether it is of satisfactory quality, and making any needed changes. This very broad definition covers a range of activities, which will be considered here on the basis of who performs them: the original translator, a second translator, or a non-translator.
Asadi, P. & Séguinot, C
2005 “Shortcuts, strategies and general patterns in a process study of nine professionals.” Meta 50 (2): 522–547. TSB
Englund Dimitrova, B
Garcia, I
2008 “Translating and revising for localisation: what do we know? What do we need to know?” Perspectives in Translatology 16 (1–2): 49–60. TSB
Hansen, G
2009 “The speck in your brother’s eye – the beam in your own: Quality management in translation and revision.” In Efforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research, G. Hansen, A. Chesterman & H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast (eds), 255–280. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Mossop, B
2006 “From Culture to Business: Federal Government Translation in Canada.” The Translator 12 (1): 1–27. TSB
Rasmussen, K. & Schjoldager, A
2011 “Revising Translations: a survey of revision policies in Danish translation companies.” Journal of Specialised Translation 15.
[Accessed 5 June 2011] TSB
Robert, I
2008 “Translation Revision Procedures: An Explorative Study.” In Translation and its Others. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminar in Translation Studies 2007.
[Accessed 5 June 2011]
Further reading
Künzli, A
2007 “Translation Revision: a study of the performance of ten professional translators revising a legal text.” In Translation Studies: doubts and directions, Y. Gambier, M. Shlesinger & R. Stolze (eds), 115–126. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Mossop, B
2007 “Empirical studies of revision: what we know and need to know.” Journal of Specialised Translation 8.
[Accessed 5 June 2011] TSB