Table of contents
Derived from Ancient Greek ἐμπάθεια, the term “empathy” found its way into English via German in the early twentieth century (Stueber 2008/2019), where it had come to mean “feeling into”. In everyday English, this is likely the meaning that would come to mind first. More formal definitions often distinguish an affective and a cognitive component (Stueber 2008/2019).
Abualadas, Othman Ahmad Ali
Apfelthaler, Matthias
2013 “A Tale of Two Empathies: Their Relation to Other Process-Relevant Cognitive and Affective Factors in Translation, Their Role in Target Audience Orientation.” Paper presented at To Feel or not to Feel? That is the Question: International Online Workshop on Affective Factors in Translation Process Research, December 6, 2013. https://osf.io/g82bt
2016 “Are Perspective-Taking Abilities Part of Translation Expertise? A Mixed-Methods Study of Target Audience Orientation in Professional Translators.” Poster presented at the 5th Translation Process Research Workshop, University of Graz, Austria, December 2, 2016. https://osf.io/86sfp.
Balacescu, Ioana, and Bernd Stefanink
Deane-Cox, Sharon
Hague, Daryl R.
Harvey, Michael A.
Harvey, Michael
2015 “Reaping the Benefits of Vicarious Trauma.” International Journal of Interpreter Education 7 (2): 5–20. https://www.cit-asl.org/new/reaping-the-benefits-of-vicarious-trauma/.
Korpal, Paweł, and Aleksandra Jasielska
Kohlmayer, Rainer
Lan, Wei
2019 “Crossing the Chasm: Embodied Empathy in Medical Interpreter Assessment.” PhD thesis, Hong Kong Baptist University. https://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_oa/674.
Maitland, Sarah
Merlini, Raffaela
2015 “Empathy: A 'Zone of Uncertainty' in Mediated Healthcare Practice.” Cultus - The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication 8: 27–49. http://www.cultusjournal.com/files/Archives/cultus__8_2015.pdf.
Merlini, Raffaela, and Mariadele Gatti
2015 “Empathy in Healthcare Interpreting: Going Beyond the Notion of Role.” The Interpreters' Newsletter 20: 139–160. https://hdl.handle.net/10077/11857.
Schmitt, Markus
2011 “Perspektivisches Denken als Voraussetzung für adressatenorientiertes Schreiben.” PhD thesis, Heidelberg University of Education. https://opus.ph-heidelberg.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/35.
Stolze, Radegundis
Stueber, Karsten
2008/2019 “Empathy.” In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. by Edward N. Zalta. 2nd ed. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/empathy/
Tomozeiu, Daniel, Kaisa Koskinen, and Adele D’Arcangelo
Walsh, Andrew S.
2019 “Empathy and Engagement in Translation: Langston Hughes’s Versions of Lorca’s Gypsy Ballads
.” In New Approaches to Translation, Conflict and Memory: Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship, ed. by Lucía Pintado Gutiérrez, and Alicia Castillo Villanueva, 45–63. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Further essential reading
Chica Núñez, Antonio Javier
2018 “Methodological Contributions of Social Neuroscience to the Study of the Multimodality of Emotions in Translation.” Linguistica Antverpiensa 17: 246–259. https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be/index.php/LANS-TTS/article/view/486.
Muñoz-Miquel, Ana
Szpak, Karina S., Fabio Alves and Augusto Buchweitz