放送通訳としても知られるメディア通訳は、メディアを介した言語変換(広義には視聴覚翻訳)の一種で、マスメディアの生放送で主に用いられる。通訳の専門領域の一つとして、 1980 年代から通訳研究者の注目を集めてきた (e.g., Kurz 1990)。一方、その実践の歴史は、アンドレ・カミンカーやハンス・ヤーコプといった名だたる会議通訳者が、フランスのラジオ放送向けにヒットラーの演説を同時通訳した 1930 年代にまで遡る。生放送における同時通訳は、様々な場面・方式・形態が含まれるメディア通訳の中でも、いまなお最も典型的なものと見なされている。
Kurz, Ingrid
1990 “Overcoming language barriers in European television.” In Interpreting – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, David Bowen & Margareta Bowen (eds), 168–175. Binghamton, NY: SUNY.
Kurz, Ingrid
1996 “Special features of media interpreting as seen by interpreters and users.” In New Horizons. Proceedings of the XIVth World Congress of FIT, vol. 2, 957–965. Melbourne: AUSIT.
Kurz, Ingrid
1997 “Getting the message across – Simultaneous interpreting for the media.” In Translation as Intercultural Communication, Mary Snell-Hornby, Zuzana Jettmarová & Klaus Kaindl (eds), 195–205. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kurz, Ingrid
2002 “Physiological stress responses during media and conference interpreting.” In Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, Giuliana Garzone & Maurizio Viezzi (eds), 195–202. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Mack, Gabriele
2002 “New perspectives and challenges for interpretation: ’Ihe example of television.” In Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, Giuliana Garzone & Maurizio Viezzi (eds), 203–213. Amsterdam&Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Mizuno, Akira
1997 “Broadcast interpreting in Japan.” In Conference Interpreting. Current Trends in Research, Yves Gambler, Daniel Gile & Christopher Taylor (eds), 192–194. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Pöchhacker, Franz
2007 “Coping with culture in media interpreting.” Perspectives 15 (2): 123–142.
Straniero Sergio, Francesco
1999 “The interpreter on the (talk)show: Interaction and participation framework.” The Translator 5 (2): 303–326.
Wadensjö, Cecilia
2008 “In and off the show: Co-constructing Invisibility’ in an interpreter-mediated talk show interview” Meta 53 (1): 184–203.