Natural translator and interpreter
Table of contents
A natural translator/interpreter is an untrained and very often unremunerated bilingual individual who acts as a linguistic and cultural (inter)mediator in a variety of formal and informal contexts and situations.
Antonini, Rachele
Hall, Nigel
2004 “The child in the middle: agency and diplomacy in language brokering events.” In Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies, Gyde Hansen et al. (eds), 285–297. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins TSB. 

Harris, Brian
Harris, Brian & Sherwood, Bianca
Marzocchi, Carlo
Meyer, Bernd, Birte Pawlack & Ortrun Kliche
2010 “Family interpreters in hospitals: Good reasons for bad practice?” In Child Language Brokering: Trends and Patterns in Current Research, Rachele Antonini (ed.), 297–423. Special issue mediAzioni 10. TSB
Orellana, Marjorie
2009 Translating Childhoods: Immigrant Youth, Language, and Culture. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. TSB
Toury, Gideon
1980 “The translators as a nonconformist-to-be, or: How to train translators so as to violate translational norms.” In Angewandte Übersetzungswissenschaft: Internationales Übersetzungswissenschaftliches Kolloquium an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Århus / Dänemark, 19.-21. Juni 1980, Århus, Sven-Olaf Poulsen & Wolfram Wilss (eds), 180–194. Århus: [s.n.].
Tse, Lucy
Further reading
Harris, Brian
Pöchhacker, Franz & Kadric, Mira
1999 “The Hospital Cleaner as Health Care Interpreter. A case study.” The Translator 5 (2): 161–178.