폴리시스템 이론과 번역 [Polysystem theory and translation]

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폴리시스템 이론은 1970년대 초, 이스라엘 학자 Even-Zohar가 언어, 문화 그리고 번역연구를 위해 고안한 이론으로, 훗날 문화에 대한 일반 이론으로 확장되었다.

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Chang, Nam Fung
2000 “Towards a macro-polysystem hypothesis.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 8 (2): 109–123 TSB
2001 “Polysystem theory: Its prospect as a framework for translation research.” Target 13 (2): 317–332 TSB
Even-Zohar, Itamar
1979 “Polysystem theory.” Poetics Today 1 (1–2): 287–310.Google Scholar
1990Polysystem Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. Special issue of Poetics Today 11 (1). TSB
Hermans, Theo
1996 “Norms and the determination of translation: A theoretical framework.” In Translation, Power, Subversion, Román Álvarez & M. Carmen-África Vidal (eds), 25–51. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. BoP
1999Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System-oriented Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Huang, Dexian
2006 “Duoyuanxitonglun shiyi: Zuohaer fangtan lu.” (Clarifications on polysystem theory: Interview with Even-Zohar) Chinese Translators Journal 3: 57–60.Google Scholar
Toury, Gideon
1995Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins BoP
Tymoczko, Maria
2000 “Translation and political engagement: Activism, social change and the role of translation in geopolitical shifts.” The Translator 6 (1): 23–47 TSB
Wang, Dongfeng
2008 “When a turning occurs: Counter-evidence to polysystem hypothesis.” In Translation, Globalisation and Localisation: A Chinese Perspective, Wang Ning & Sun Yifeng (eds), 140–154. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. TSB

추가 독서

Chang, Nam Fung
in press. “In Defence of Polysystem Theory”. Target 23 (2). TSB