Remote interpreting

Barbara Moser-Mercer
Table of contents

Remote interpreting (also called tele-interpreting) is the term used to describe a bi- or multilingual video-conference where interpreters are physically remote from the meeting room and thus do not have a direct view of speakers and delegates. Video-conference interpreting relates to a meeting scenario where participants are distributed across two or more sites with interpreters located at one of these sites. Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) uses video or web cameras and telephone lines to provide sign language interpreting services for deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals, through an offsite interpreter, in order to communicate with hearing persons. It is similar to a Video-Relay-Service, where the hearing and signing parties are each located in different places. The term remote interpreting also covers telephone interpreting, where the interpreter is connected to the service provider via a standard phone line attached to a speaker phone and works in the consecutive mode. Video-conference technologies are used in a variety of interpreted settings: conference, court, public service, healthcare, and education, and involve both spoken and signed languages.

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Further reading

Braun, Sabine
2003Kommunikation unter widrigen Umständen? – Fallstudie zu einsprachigen und gedolmetschten Videokonferenzen. Tübingen: Narr.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Hewitt, William E
1995Court interpretation: Model guides for policy and practice in the state courts. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts.Google Scholar
Hornberger, John C., Gibson, Count D., Jr., Wood, William, Degueldre, Christian, Corso, Irene, Palla, Barbara, Bloch, Daniel A
1996“Eliminating language barriers for non-English-speaking patients.” Medical Care 34 (8): 845–856. DOI logoGoogle Scholar