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Sherry Simon. Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission
London-New York: Routledge, 1996. x + 195 pp. ISBN Hb.: 0 415 11535 3 £ 35.00./ Pb. 0 415 11536 1 £ 12.99 (Translation Studies).

Reviewed by Marysa Demoor
Table of contents

    "And swear nowhere lives a woman true and fair. . ." It was John Donne who, most eloquently, devoted a number of poems to the (to some) incontrovertible fact that women cannot be at once beautiful and faithful. Not that much later, apparently, the idea was picked up by the French rhetorician, Ménage, in order to describe the conflictual relationship between the translation and its source text. The woman as metaphor, the translation as woman.

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