The major claims made here pertain to: (1) The dominant role of the Participants paremeter, where distinction is made between the "on-screen" and the "off-screen" casts, with the Interpreter acting as Mediator in two communicative channels; (2) The specificity of the TV product as a Polysemiotic Text, consisting of a variety of Language and Non-Language components, and the way it affects the Interpreter's performance; (3) The communicative goals of the two casts of Primary Participants and the strategies employed to attain them in a situation highly marked from a kinesthetic and proxemic point of view, which often leads to shifts in the Interpreter's output, and (4) The factors determining the choice of the optimum mode of Interpreting.
The growing role of television as a means of communication across national, cultural and linguistic frontiers is one of the characteristic features of the world towards the end of the 20th century. And what we can predict about its future is a significant increase in the number of television channels and the scope of television coverage of a larger variety of events, with the participation of people [ p. 330 ]speaking different languages in interactive TV programmes. All this will assign a still more prominent placè to TV Translation and Interpreting and set more responsible tasks before the mediators in this process—the translators and interpreters, without whom its felicitous realisation is unthinkable.
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