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Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers eds. Word, Text, Translation: Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark . Clevedon : Multilingual Matters , 1999 . xiv + 240 pp. Hb.: ISBN 185359-461-X . £ 49.95/USD 83.95/CAD 98.95 ; Pb.: ISBN 1-85359-460-1 . £ 16.95/USD 28.95/CAD 34.95 .
Joan Boase-Beier and Michael Holman eds. The Practices of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity . Manchester : St Jerome , 1999 . 173 pp. ISBN 1-900650-19-3 . £ 22.00/USD 28.50 .
Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ), Hrsg . Erfolgreich selbständig als Dolmetscher und Übersetzer . Tübingen : Stauffenburg , 1999 . 116 S. ISBN 3-86057-101-X . DM 25,-/ÖS 183,-/SFr 23,- . [ Schriften des Bundesverbandes der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V., 1 .]
M. Teresa Cabré . Terminology: Theory, Methods and Applications ed. Juan C. Sager tr. Janet Ann DeCesaris . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 1999 . xii + 240 pp. Hb.: ISBN 90 272 1633 9 (Eur.) Hfl. 150 ,- - 1 55619 787 X (US.) $ 75.00 . Pb.: ISBN 90 272 1634 7 (Eur.) Hfl. 60 ,- - 1 55619 788 8 (US.) $ 29.95 . [ Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 1 .]
John Corbett . Written in the Language of the Scottish Nation: A History of Literary Translation into Scots . Clevedon : Multilingual Matters , 1998 . vii + 200 pp. ISBN 185359-431-8 . £ 29.95/USD 59.00 . [ Topics in Translation, 14 .]
Jean Delisle dir. Portraits de traducteurs . Ottawa : Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa ; Arras : Artois Presses Université , 1999 . 305 pp. ISBN 2-7603-0486-8 ( Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa ); 2-910663-39-6 ( Artois Presses Université ). 160 FF . [ Regards sur la traduction; Traductologie .]
Jean Delisle , Hannelore Lee-Jahnke and Monique C. Cormier eds. Terminologie de la traduction/Translation Terminology/Terminología de la traducción/Terminologie der Übersetzung . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 1999 . 433 pp. ISBN 90 272 2423 4 (Eur.) Hfl. 75 ,- - 1 55619 212 6 (US.) $ 37.95 . [ FIT Monograph Series, 1 .]
Cay Dollerup . Tales and Translation: The Grimm Tales from Pan-Germanic Narratives to Shared International Fairytales . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 1999 . xiv + 384 pp. ISBN 90 272 1635 5 (Eur.) Hfl. 170 ,- - 1 55619 789 6 (US.) $ 85.00 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 30 .]
Nathalie Fournier . Grammaire du français classique . Paris : Belin , 1998 . 448 pp. ISBN 27011-1723-2 . [ Belin Sup-Lettres .]
Bruno Garnier . Pour une poétique de la traduction: L’Hécube d’Euripide en France de la traduction humaniste á la tragédie classique . Paris : L’Harmattan , 1999 . 271 pp. ISBN 2-7384-6028-3 . [ Sémantiques .]
Gyde Hansen ed. Probing the Process in Translation: Methods and Results . Copenhagen : Samfundslitteratur , 1999 . 187 pp. ISBN 87-593-0793-5 ; ISSN 0905-9857 . [ Copenhagen Studies in Language, 24 .]
Jón Karl Helgason . The Rewriting of Njáls saga: Translation, Politics and Icelandic Sagas . Clevedon : Multilingual Matters , 1999 . vi + 176 pp. ISBN 1-85359-457-1 . £ 29.95/USD 49.95/CAD 59.95 . [ Topics in Translation, 16 .]
Theo Hermans . Translation in Systems: Descriptive and Systemic Approaches Explained . Manchester : St Jerome , 1999 . viii + 195 pp. ISBN 1-900650-11-8 . £ 19.50 . [ Translation Theories Explained .]
Jan Ivarsson and Mary Carroll . Subtitling . Simrishamn : TransEdit , 1999 . xii + 185 pp. ISBN 91-971799-2-2 .
Alberto Álvarez Lugrís and Anxo Fernández Ocampo eds. Anovar/anosar: estudios de traducción e interpretación , I-II . Vigo : Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo , 1999 . 352 + 217 pp. ISBN 84-8158-139-9 ( I: 84-8158-140-2 ; II: 84-8158-141-0 ).
Kirsten Malmkjær . Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies: Interface and Differences . Urecht : Platform Vertalen & Vertaalwetenschap , 1999 . 72 pp. ISBN 90-8043922-3 . Hfl. 24.50, $ 11.50 . [ Platform Papers on Translation Studies .]
Jean Peeters . La médiation de l’étranger: Une sociolinguistique de la traduction . Arras : Artois Presses Université , 1999 . 368 pp. ISBN 2-910663-42-6 . 160 FF . [ Traductologie .]
José Antonio Sabio Pinilla and María Manuela Fernández Sánchez . O discurso sobre a tradução em Portugal: O proveito, o ensino e la crítica. Antologia (c. 1429-1818) . Lisboa : Edicees Colibri , 1998 . 218 pp. ISBN 972-772-060-9 . [ Collecção Voz de Babel, 5 .]
Monika S. Schmid . Translating the Elusive: Marked Word Order and Subjectivity in English-German Translation . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 1999 . xii + 174 pp. ISBN 90 272 1641 X (Eur.) Hfl. 98 ,- - 1 55619 795 0 (US.) $ 49.00 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 36 .]
Peter A. Schmitt . Translation und Technik . Tübingen : Stauffenburg , 1999 . 454 S. ISBN 386057-245-8 . DM 124,- . [ Studien zur Translation, 6 .]
Robin Setton . Simultaneous Interpretation: A Cognitive-pragmatic Analysis . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 1999 . xv + 397 pp. ISBN 90 272 1631 2 (Eur.) Hfl. 158 ,- - 1 55619 712 8 (US.) $ 79.00 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 28 .]
Maria Sidiropoulou . Parameters in Translation: English vs. Greek . Athens : School of Philosophy, University of Athens , 1999 . 237 pp. ISBN 960-91097-0-5 . [ Parousia Publications in English Studies, 46 .]
Maria Tymoczko . Translation in a Postcolonial Context: Early Irish Literature in English Translation . Manchester : St Jerome , 1999 . 336 pp. ISBN 1-900650-16-9 . £ 22.50 .
Margherita Ulrych . Focus on the Translator in a Multidisciplinary Perspective . Padova : Unipress , 1999 . 120 pp. ISBN 88-8098-054-8 . L. 25.000 .
Jeroen Vandaele ed. Translation and the (Re)Location of Meaning: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminars in Translation Studies 1994-1996 . Leuven : CETRA , 1999 . [ p. 203 ] 449 pp. [ CETRA Publications, 4 .]
Lawrence Venuti ed. The Translation Studies Reader . London-New York : Routledge , 2000 . xiv + 524 pp. ISBN 0-415-18746-X . (Hbk) £ 60.00 .
Cecilia Wadensjö . Interpreting as Interaction . London-New York : Longman , 1998 . xxii + 312 pp. ISBN 0 582 28910-6 . [ Language in Social Life Series .]