Translation, Normalisation and Identity in Galicia(n)
University of Birmingham, U.K.
This article approaches the role and position of literary translation in the Galician context during the 20th century. The socio-linguistic situation of the native language, Galego (Galician), and the asymmetrical relations of power with respect to Castilian have been shaping and determining the dynamics of translation, and, to a certain extent, Galician cultural life in general. Translation therefore appears as a crucial and ambiguous activity, both contributing to the process of linguistic and cultural normalisation but also revealing the lingering weakness of the target language. Translation therefore becomes a powerful mirror on which to contemplate pressing domestic debates on language and identity.
In this paper I would like to sketch the role of translation and the position assigned to it in the Galician context during the 20th century. It will observe how the evolution of translation production has been running parallel to processes of linguistic and cultural normalisation. As a result, the changing position of translation in processes of identity formation, as well as the contextual constraints that determine translation in this context, will become evident.
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