Book review
Catarina Falbo, Mariachiara Russo & Francesco Straniero Sergio, eds. Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva: Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche.
Milano: Editore Ulrico Hoepli, 1999. xii + 369 pp. ISBN 88-203-2606-X Lire 38000.

Reviewed by Catherine Stenzl
Table of contents

This book was written by lecturers in Trieste as a resource book for student interpreters who are expected to develop practical skills in interpretation but also a theoretical competence which allows them to reflect on their work. While some interpreters still question the relevance of theory to their practical work, I think that it is not only a generally accepted task for universities to provide a systematic theoretical framework of the knowledge and skills that are being taught, but is also useful for practitioners. Theoretical concepts can contribute to a critical and systematic evaluation of our own work and can enable us to choose our strategies in a more conscious and rational way.

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