Book reviewDeconstruction and translation Manchester, UK and Northampton, MA: St Jerome, 2001. viii + 115 pp. ISBN 1-900650-28-2 £ 19.50/$ 34 (Translation Theories Explained, 8). .
Table of contents
Those who are familiar with the main arguments and strategies usually associated with Derrida’s deconstruction would tend to be skeptical about the possibility of exploring its interface with translation in a book that must accommodate the necessarily restrictive agenda of a series such as St. Jerome’s “Translation Theories Explained”. In its resistance to offering conclusive definitions and in [ p. 363 ]its obsession to problematize all assertions and apparent certainties, deconstruction would seem to be incompatible with any proposal that intends to find definite solutions to the problems posed by different approaches and also to “assess their virtues”, or even overcome their “blind spots”, as Anthony Pym states in the general preface that opens the books in this series. And yet, this is precisely the challenge that Kathleen Davis has accepted to face in her Deconstruction and translation, one of the latest publications of the St. Jerome’s series whose general goal is to provide students (“dealing with translation theories for the first time”), scholars, and teachers with “succinct” overviews of the area’s main trends (see the series’ general preface).