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Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers eds. Translation today: Trends and perspectives . Clevedon-Buffalo-Toronto-Sydney : Multilingual Matters , 2003 . x + 232 pp. ISBN 1-85359-618-3 . £ 33.95 / USD 54.95 / CAD 79.95 .
Michel Ballard and Ahmed El Kaladi éds. Traductologie, linguistique et traduction . Arras : Artois Presses Université , 2003 . 308 pp. ISBN 2-910663-85-X . ð22 . [ Traductologie .]
Giuliana Garzone and Maurizio Viezzi eds. Interpreting in the 21st century: Challenges and opportunities . Selected papers from the 1st Forlì Conference on Interpreting Studies , 9–11 November 2000 . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2002 . x + 335 pp. ISBN 90-272-1649-5 (Eur.) ð117 ; 1-58811-281-0 (US) $ 117 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 43 .]
Sylviane Granger , Jacques Lerot and Stephanie Petch-Tyson eds. Corpus-based approaches to contrastive linguistics and Translation Studies . Amsterdam/New York, NY : Rodopi , 2003 . 219 pp. ISBN 90-420-1046-0 . ð45 / USD 54 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 20 .]
Fortunato Israël éd. Identité, altérité, équivalence? La traduction comme relation . Actes du Colloque International tenu à l’Ésit les 24, 25 en 26 mai 2000 en hommage à Lederer Marianne . Paris–Caen : Lettres Modernes Minard , 2002 . 376 pp. ISBN 2-256-91048-2 . [ Cahiers Champollion, 5 .]
Cees Koster ed. De Hollandsche vertaalmolen: Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen 1820–1885 . ’s-Gravenhage : Stichting Bibliographia Neerlandica , 2002 . 162 pp. ISBN 90-71313-59-X . ð14 . [ Vertaalhistorie, 5A .]
Cees Koster and Ton Naaijkens eds. Een vorm van lezen: Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen 1885–1946 . ’s-Gravenhage : Stichting Bibliographia Neerlandica , 2002 . 140 pp. ISBN 90-71313-60-3 . ð14 . [ Vertaalhistorie, 5B .]
Alexandra Lopes and Maria do Carmo Correia de Oliveira eds. Deste lado do espelho. Estudos de tradução em Portugal: Novos contributos para a História da Literatura Portuguesa . Colóquio realizado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa em 21 e 22 de Fevereiro de 2002 . Lisboa : Universidade Católica Editora , 2002 . 306 pp . ISBN 972-54-0046-1 . [ Centro de Literatura e Cultura Portuguesa e Brasileira .]
Eugene A. Nida . Contexts in translating . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2001 . viii + 125 pp. ISBN 90-272-1647-9 (Eur.) ð70; 1-58811-113-X (US) $ 70 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 41 .]
Eugene A. Nida . Fascinated by languages . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . vi + 157 pp. ISBN 90-272-2601-6 (Eur.) ð65 ; 1-58811-408-2 (US) $ 65 .
Saliha Paker ed. Translations: (Re)shaping of literature culture . I˙stanbul : Bog˘aziçi University Press , 2002 . xx + 229 pp. ISBN 975-518-174-1 .
Franz Pöchhacker . Dolmetschen: Konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive Untersuchungen . Tübingen : Stauffenburg , 2000 . xii + 336 pp. ISBN 3-86057-246-6 . ð49,50 . [ Studien zur Translation, 7 .]
John Sallis . On translation . Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press , 2002 . xiv + 127 pp. ISBN 1-800-842-6796 . $ 19.95 . [ Studies in Continental Thought .]
Robert Singerman ed Jewish translation history: A bibliography of bibliographies studies . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2002 . xxxvi + 420 pp. ISBN 90-272-1650-9 (Eur.) ð110 ; 1-58811-309-4 (US) $ 110 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 44 .]
Harold Somers ed. Computers translation: A translator’s guide . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . xvi + 349 pp. ISBN 90-272-1640-1 (Eur.) ð115 ; 1-58811-377-9 (US) $ 115 . [ Benjamins Translation Library, 35 .]
Leo Tak-hung Chan ed. One into many: Translation the dissemination of classical Chinese literature . Amsterdam/New York : Rodopi , 2003 . 369 pp. ISBN 90-420-0815-6 . ð70 / USD 70 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 18 .]
Elke Teich . Cross-linguistic variation in system and text: A methodology for the investigation of translations and comparable texts . Berlin/New York : Mouton de Gruyter , 2003 . x + 276 pp. ISBN 3-11-017615-7 . ð68 . [ Text, Translation, Computational Processing, 5 .]
Arturo Tosi ed. Crossing barriers and bridging cultures: The challenges of multilingual translation for the European Union . Clevedon-Buffalo-Toronto-Sydney : Multilingual Matters , 2003 . xvi + 135 pp. ISBN 1-85359-603-5 (pbk) . £ 16.95/US$ 27.95 / CAN$ 39.95 .
Piet van Sterkenburg ed. A practical guide to lexicography . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . xi + 459 pp. ISBN 90-272-2330-0 (Eur.) ð65 ; 1-58811-381-7 (US) $ 65 .