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Dror Abend-David . “ Scorned my nation”: A comparison of translations of The merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish . New York-Washington, D.C./Baltimore- Bern-Frankfurt am Main-Berlin-Brussels-Vienna-Oxford : Peter Lang , 2003 . 247 pp. ISBN 0-8204-5798-1 . € 69,40 . [ Comparative cultures and literatures, 16 .]
Fabio Alves ed. Triangulating translation: Perspectives in process oriented research . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . x + 163 pp. ISBN 90-272-1651-7 (Eur.) € 85 ; 1-58811-429-5 (US) $ 85 . [ Benjamins translation library, 45 .]
Brian James Baer and Geoffrey S. Koby eds. Beyond the ivory tower: Rethinking translation pedagogy . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . xvi + 258 pp. ISBN 90-272-3188-5 (Eur.) € 110 ; 1-58811-399-X (US) $ 110 . [ ATA scholarly monograph series, XII .]
Louise Brunette , Georges Bastin , Isabelle Hemlin and Heather Clarke eds. The critical link 3: Interpreters in the community. Selected papers from the third international conference on interpreting in legal, health and social services settings, Montréal, Québec, Canada 22–26 May 2001 . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . xii + 359 pp. ISBN 90-272-1652-5 (Eur.) € 99 ; 1-58811-454-6 (US) $ 99 . [ Benjamins translation library, 46 .]
Rui Carvalho Homem and Ton Hoenselaars eds. Translating Shakespeare for the twenty-first century . Amsterdam-New York, NY : Rodopi , 2004 . viii + 269 pp. ISBN 90-420-1721-X . € 60 / USD 75 . [ DQR studies in literature, 35 .]
Domenico Cosmai . Tradurre per l’Unione Europea: Problematiche e strategie operative . Milano : Ulrico Hoepli Editore , 2003 . xvi + 254 pp. ISBN 88-203-3184-5 . € 17 .
Edoardo Crisafulli . The vision of Dante: Cary’s translation of The divine comedy . Leics : Troubador , 2003 . xi + 348 pp. ISBN 1-899293-09-4 . € 25 . [ Troubador Italian studies .]
Myriam Diocaretz and Marta Segarra eds. Joyful Babel: Translating Hélène Cixous . Amsterdam-New York, NY : Rodopi , 2004 . 223 pp. ISBN 90-420-0989-6 . € 50 / USD. 65 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 22 .]
Pierre Encrevé and Rose-Marie Lagrave éds. Travailler avec Bourdieu . Paris : Flammarion , 2003 . 364 pp. ISBN 2-08-210275-0 . 22 € .
Eugene Chen Eoyang . “ Borrowed plumage”: Polemical essays on translation . Amsterdam-New York, NY : Rodopi , 2003 . 197 pp. ISBN 90-420-0854-7 . € 40 / USD. 48 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 19 .]
Manfred Görlach . English words abroad . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2003 . xii + 188 pp. ISBN 90-272-2331-9 (Eur.) € 70 ; 1-58811-435-X (US) $ 70 . [ Terminology and lexicography research and practice, 7 .]
Jacqueline Henry . La traduction des jeux de mots . Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle , 2003 . 297 pp. ISBN 2-87854-248-7 . 21 € .
Gottfried R. Marschall dir La traduction des livrets: Aspects théoriques, historiques et pragmatiques . Paris : Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne , 2004 . 663 pp. ISBN 2-84050-328-X . € 35 . [ Musiques / Écritures .]
Anna Mauranen and Pekka Kujamäki eds. Translation universals: Do they exist? Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2004 . vi + 221 pp. ISBN 90-272-1654-1 (Eur.) € 95 ; 1-58811-468-6 (US) $ 114 . [ Benjamins translation library, 48 .]
Ulf Norberg . Übersetzen mit doppeltem Skopos: Eine empirische Prozess- und Produktstudie . Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet , 2003 . 222 pp. ISBN 91-554-5584-0 . [ Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia, 42 .]
Eithne M. T. O’Connell . Minority language dubbing for children: Screen translation from German to Irish . Oxford-Bern-Berlin-Bruxelles-Frankfurt a.M.-New York-Wien : Peter Lang , 2003 . 211 pp. ISBN 3-03910-011-4 . € 35,40 . [ European university studies, series XL, 81 .]
Susan Petrilli ed. Translation translation . Amsterdam/New York, NY : Rodopi , 2003 . 660 pp. ISBN 90-420-0947-0 . € 130 / USD 155 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 21 .]
Anthony Pym . The moving text: Localization, translation, and distribution . Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 2004 . xviii + 220 pp. ISBN 90-272-1655-X (Eur.) € 85 ; 1-58811-508-9 (US) $ 102 . [ Benjamins translation library, 49 .]
Maria Sidiropoulou . Linguistic identities through translation . Amsterdam/New York : Rodopi , 2004 . x + 186 pp. ISBN 90-420-0990-X . € 40 / USD 50 . [ Approaches to Translation Studies, 23 .]