Book review
Anton Popovič, Bruno Osimo & Daniela Laudani. La scienza della traduzione. Aspetti metodologici. La comunicazione traduttiva
Milano: Editore Ulrico Hoepli, 2006. 206. xx + 194 pp. ISBN 88-203-3511-5 19 €. (Original: Teória umeleckého prekladu. Bratislava: Tatran, 1975).

Reviewed by Ubaldo Stecconi
Table of contents

On May 1, 2004 ten new countries joined the EU and the division of the continent into Western and Eastern blocs symbolically came to an end. According to many commentators, the division had always been artificial: Europeans on opposite sides had always shared more than their governments did. This is how Prof. Peter Liba—who helped me put Anton Popovič’s work in its proper historical context—put it: “We [under the totalitarian regime, behind the Iron Curtain] have never stopped being in Europe and develop its cultural potential” (Liba 2006). From a Western European viewpoint, this has been repeatedly confirmed as the institutional, cultural, and intellectual heritage of the East has become progressively familiar. The Italian edition of Teória umeleckého prekladu (1975) brings this realisation to Translation Studies.

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