Book review
Karin Aijmer & Cecilia Alvstad, eds. New tendencies in Translation Studies: Selected papers from a workshop Göteborg 12 December 2003
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005. 104 pp. ISBN 91-7346-536-4

Table of contents

“At the start of the new millennium”, observes Lawrence Venuti, “translation studies is an international network of scholarly communities who conduct research and debate across conceptual and disciplinary divisions” (Venuti 2004: 326). The recent development of the discipline into a broad interdisciplinary field is well attested by several collected volumes of note published in the last five-odd years. This book is part of the wave. Underlying the works selected in this volume is, in fact, the notion of ‘consilience’, as proposed by the sociologist Edward O. Wilson.

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Venuti, Lawrence
2004The Translation Studies reader. London and New York: Routledge. Google Scholar