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Eterio Pajares. La novela inglesa en traducción al español durante los siglos XVIII y XIX: aproximación bibliográfica
Barcelona: PPU, 2006. 262 pp. ISBN 84-477-0918-3 (BT bibliografías de traducción, 5).

Reviewed by Marcos Rodríguez Espinosa
Table of contents

Eterio Pajares, professor at the Department of Translation Studies of the University of the Basque Country, has published numerous works in recent years on the reception of Samuel Richardson in Spanish, and on other topics resulting from his research on the mechanisms of censorship and the history of translation in Spain. The book under review provides relevant information about authors and titles in English translated into Spanish during the 19th and 20th centuries, and, at the same time, it complements and fills some of the gaps found in the pioneering work by José F. Montesinos (Montesinos 1972).

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Montesinos, José F
1972Introducción a una historia de la novela en España en el siglo XIX. Seguida del esbozo de una bibliografía española de traducciones de novelas (1800–1850) Madrid: Castalia.Google Scholar