The translation of extralinguistic cultural references in subtitling: An investigation of translation fidelity in Chinese films
WeiChen,TakeshiNakamoto and JuanZhang
Huaiyin Normal University | Tohoku University
There has been substantial scholarly interest in extralinguistic cultural references (ECRs) in translation, especially in audiovisual translation (AVT). However, most scholars have investigated subtitling from English into other languages. Although China has a long tradition of film production, few studies have investigated the subtitling of ECRs from Chinese into English. This article attempts to remedy this by investigating the translation strategies, translation strategy distribution, and fidelity indexes of six subtitled versions of Chinese-language films. We compare our results with Gottlieb’s (2009) results on Danish subtitles, and find that both Chinese and Danish subtitlers hold a target-oriented attitude. We then investigate the share of the strategies in the subtitling of ECRs across different Chinese films and determine that this varies by genre and that the difference in the fidelity index among films of different genres is substantial. The translation of epic films appears to be highly faithful, whereas that of crime and gangster films is much less faithful.
With the rapid development of globalization and the film industry, movies have become a source of entertainment in daily life as well as a crucial tool to enjoy and learn regional cultures. However, as Gottlieb (2009, 21) proposes, although audiences in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) enjoy English productions (as do other viewers worldwide), they only occasionally enjoy foreign-language productions. Because “the international exchange of films and TV productions is becoming increasingly asymmetrical” (Gottlieb 2009, 21) and only a small number of non-English movies are exported to Anglophone countries, most scholars who carry out investigations into AVT have put little emphasis on language transfer from other languages into English.
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