The fusion of translation and collaboration creates a ‘translaboration’, a so-called “blended concept” (Fauconnier and Turner 2002). Collaboration has made considerable inroads into Translation Studies in recent years, joining Translation Studies’ central concept of ‘translation’ in investigations of the various types of collaborative translation occurring in both the offline and the online realms. The time is therefore ripe for the two concepts to converge, as they share many commonalities and have experienced a certain common fate, as will be shown in this introduction and the various contributions to this special issue of Target. The contributions collected here all focus on the specific meanings and facets of translaboration, as laid out in this introduction, and in doing so add new meanings and layers to the concept. The contributors all deal with the concept of translaboration in relation to their own specific themes and contexts, and together the individual contributions and this introduction cover an astounding spectrum of applications of this blended concept – a concept with well-defined contours, but a core that is still in the making.
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