Cognitive prosodies, displacements, and translation: Tropes on the move in persuasive discourse
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
This article introduces the cognitive prosodies model as a way to explain how some rhetorical features in
persuasive texts differ across languages and rhetorical traditions, which may inform the process of translating highly rhetorical,
persuasive texts. By drawing on a multidisciplinary framework grounded in comparative rhetoric, the semiotics of advertising,
cognitive linguistics, and studies of rhetorical phenomena based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and event-related potential
(ERP), it first describes persuasion as a textual process that weaves specific ‘static’ versus ‘dynamic’ rhetorical mechanisms.
These activate varying cognitive efforts and speeds in semantic processing that differ between languages and textual genres. The
second half of the article presents a corpus-based study of six English and Spanish presidential speeches on immigration – and
their translations – by three consecutive Mexican and US presidents. Through the lens of the cognitive prosodies model, the
analysis quantitatively and qualitatively scrutinizes how source and target texts behave and how the model can inform rhetorical
awareness in translation practice.
… on retrouve au fond des mécanismes freudiens, ce sont ces vieilles figures de rhétorique … (at
the bottom of the Freudian mechanisms one rediscovers these old figures of rhetoric; Lacan
1981, 270)
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