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Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar. The Politics and Poetics of Translation in Turkey, 1923–1960
Amsterdam-New York, NY: Rodopi, 2008. 331 pp. ISBN 978-90-420-2329-1 € 66 (Approaches to Translation Studies, 31).

Reviewed by Özlem Berk Albachten
Table of contents

Research in translation history has attracted special interest from Turkish translation scholars. Starting from the late 1980s, a number of “micro-histories of translation” were written by various Turkish scholars. These case studies do not attempt to describe or analyze all aspects of translation activity throughout a vast period of time, yet their contribution to Turkish translation historiography has been of immense value (see for example, Bengi-Öner 1990, 1999; Paker 1986a, 1986b, 1986c). During the last two decades, new works on a larger scale have started to appear on Turkish translation history, most of them originating from doctoral research (Berk 2004, Demircioğlu 2005, Karadağ 2008a, 2008b and Kayaoğlu 1998).

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