New books at a glanceTranslation and Identity in the Americas. New Directions in Translation Theory London-New York: Routledge, 2008. xviii + 214 pp. ISBN 978-0-415-77452-9 24.99 £ .
Table of contents
Westward Ho! For it is in the Americas that much of what is interesting in contemporary Translation Studies can be seen. In Brazil one can find the cannibalistic translators such as Haroldo de Campos who devour their European original in order to nurture themselves with the best of the original but whose translations will also contain definite Brazilian characteristics. Such translators have copied the cannibalistic habits of the Tupi Indians, who devoured brave enemy warriors, after capturing them, feeding them up, and even giving them wives. Gentzler is wellread in contemporary Brazilian translation theory and traces the roots of cannibalism back to the modernism theories of Oswald de Andrade and its manifestations in the work of the Campos brothers.