A competence matrix for machine translation-oriented data literacy teaching

Ralph Krüger and Janiça Hackenbuchner

This article presents a matrix of competence descriptors aimed at machine translation-oriented data literacy teaching. This competence matrix constitutes the didactics-facing side of the DataLitMT project, which develops learning resources for teaching relevant components of data literacy in their translation-specific form of professional machine translation (MT) literacy to BA and MA students in translation and specialised communication. After highlighting the increasing relevance of both professional MT literacy and data literacy in the context of Translation Studies and professional translation, the article presents and discusses a professional MT literacy framework and an MT-specific data literacy framework, which serve to structure the two frames of reference relevant to this article. Then, the article provides a detailed discussion of the competence matrix developed based on the two frameworks sketched previously. This discussion is intended to show how the individual dimensions and sub-dimensions of data literacy were linked to relevant (sub-)dimensions of professional MT literacy and translated into corresponding competence descriptors. To conclude, the article presents an example of a learning resource for MT-oriented data literacy teaching developed based on the descriptors of the competence matrix.

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Since its introduction in production systems such as Google Translate in 2016, neural machine translation (NMT) has quickly become the state-of-the art machine translation (MT) paradigm, surpassing its predecessor phrase-based statistical MT in terms of overall translation quality (e.g., Toral and Sánchez-Cartagena 2017; Bentivogli et al. 2018). Within the NMT paradigm, a shift from recurrent to transformer neural networks (Vaswani et al. 2017) led to further qualitative improvements, prompting some MT developers to voice claims concerning human parity (Hassan et al. 2018) or even superhuman performance (Popel et al. 2020) of their NMT systems for particular language combinations and domains. Although these strong claims regarding NMT performance have been refuted by various authors (e.g., Läubli et al. 2020), the high base quality achievable by NMT systems has led this translation technology to become a dominant force both in the professional translation industry and in Translation Studies in recent years. NMT is impacting, for example, the cognitive processes of translators working in NMT-assisted translation production networks (e.g., Carl and Schaeffer 2017, 98ff.), the didactics of translation (technology) teaching (e.g., Ginovart Cid and Colominas Ventura 2021), business processes in the translation industry (e.g., TAUS 2018) and corresponding job profiles (e.g., European Union Institutions 2019, 8–9), as well as overall societal perceptions of the translation profession (e.g., Moorkens 2022, 129).

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