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Eija Ventola & Anna Mauranen. Tutkijat ja englanniksi kirjoittaminen.
Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 1990. vi + 149 pp. ISBN 951-570-070-1

Reviewed by Nils Erik Enkvist
Table of contents

    Tutkijat ja englanniksi kirjoittaminen (The Researchers and Writing in English') originates in a concrete teaching situation. The two authors are steeped in systemic theory, they have held senior teaching posts in LSP at the Language Centre of the University of Helsinki, and specialized in the problems of scientific writing in English for Finns. We should keep in mind that the Englishing of scientific reports is an enormous and world-wide industry and big business as well. Presenting one's results in decent English is a basic prerequisite for academic success in countries such as Finland.

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