Book review
J.A. Henderson. Personality and the Linguist: A Comparison of the Personality Profiles of Professional Translators and Conference Interpreters.
University of Bradford Press, 1987. ix + 131 pp. + Select Bibliography, 5 Appendices and Tables & Figures on Microfiche.. ISBN 1-8514302-0-2 (hbk.) / 1-8514302-1-0 (pbk.)

Reviewed by Gideon Toury
Tel Aviv
Table of contents

It is a matter of common agreement that personality plays an important part in making a success of both translation and conference interpreting. Moreover, there seem to be some popular, stereotypic beliefs as to certain traits that characterize the practitioners of both occupations as well as setting them apart. However, there is as yet little if any evidence of substance to support these beliefs or suggest others instead. Consequently, there is also very little evidence as to which factors matter when it comes to devising or selecting "professional linguists". This is a gap that the present study—originally a doctoral thesis written at the University of Bradford, published in book form following the sudden demise of its author—sets out to fill.

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[ p. 250 ]References

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