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Mona Baker . In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation . London-New York : Rout-ledge , 1992 . 320 pp.
Ballard Ballard éd. La traduction à l’université: Recherches et propositions didactiques . Lille : Presses Universitaires de Lille , 1993 . 262 pp. [Collection UL3.]
Thomas O. Beebee . Clarissa on the Continent: Translation and Seduction . University Park-London : The Pennsylvania State University Press , 1990 . xi + 228 pp.
Roger T. Bell . Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice . London : Longman , 1991 . 298 pp. [Applied Linguistics and Language Study.]
Bärbel Czennia . Figurenrede als Übersetzungsproblem: Untersucht am Romanwerk von Charles Dickens und ausgewahlten deutschen Übersetzungen . Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt/ M.-New York-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang , 1992 . xii + 338 pp. [Neue Studien zur Ang-listik und Amerikanistik, 58.]
Nirmal Dass . Rebuilding Babel: The Translations of W.H. Auden . Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA : Rodopi , 1993 . vi + 194 pp. [Approaches to Translation Studies, 10.]
Dirk Delabastita . There’s a Double Tongue: An Investigation into the Translation of Shakespeare’s Wordplay, with Special Reference to “Hamlet” . Amsterdam-Atlanta GA : Rodopi , 1993 . xvi + 522 pp. [Approaches to Translation Studies, 11.]
Dirk Delabastita and Lieven D’hulst eds. European Shakespeares: Translating Shake-speare in the Romantic Age . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1993 . 256 pp.
Monika Doherty und Wolfgang Klein Hrsg. Übersetzung [LiLi: Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik Special issue: Jahrgang 21/1991, Heft 84] . Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 1992 . 132 pp.
Helga Eßmann . Übersetzungsanthologien: Eine Typologie und eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Versdichtung in deutschsprachigen Anthologien, 1920–1960 . Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt/M.-New York-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang , 1992 . 398 pp. [Neue Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 57.]
Dorothy Mathilda Figueira . Translating the Orient: The Reception of Sakuntala in Nineteenth-Century Europe . Albany, New York : State University of New York Press , 1991 . x + 260 pp.
Herwig Friedl , Albert-Reiner Glaap and Klaus Peter Müller eds. Literaturübersetzen: Englisch. Entwürfe, Erkenntnisse, Erfahrungen . Tübingen : Narr , 1992 . viii + 238 pp. [Transfer, 4.]
Yves Gambier and Jorma Tommola eds. Translation Knowledge: SSOTT IV—Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory, Turku, 4-6.6.1992 . Turku : University of Turku—Centre for Translation and Interpreting, 1993 . vi + 418 pp.
Edwin Gentzler . Contemporary Translation Theories . London : Routledge , 1993 . xiv + 224 pp. [Translation Studies.]
Michael Hann . The Key to Technical Translation I: Concept Specification; II: Terminology/Terminography . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1992 . xviii + 230 pp.; xv + 248 pp.
Frank Heibert . Das Wortspiel als Stilmittel und seine Übersetzung . Tübingen : Narr , 1993 . 319 pp. [Kodikas/Code Supplement, 20.]
Romy Heylen . Translation, Poetics the Stage: Six French Hamlets . London : Rout-ledge , 1993 . x + 170 pp. [Translation Studies.]
Justa Holz-Mänttäri and Christiane Nord eds. Traduce re navem: Festschrift für Katharina Reiß . Tampere , 1993 . [Studia translatologica, ser. A, vol. 3.]
Arnt Lykke Jakobsen ed. Translating LSP Texts: Some Theoretical Considerations . Copenhagen : Samfundslitteratur , 1994 . 158 pp. [Copenhagen Studies in Language, 16]
Peter Kahrel . Working with Foreign Languages and Characters in Wordperfect . Am-sterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1992 .
L.G. Korpel . Over het nut en de wijze der vertalingen: Nederlandse vertaalreflectie (1750–1820) in een Westeuropees kader . Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA : Rodopi , 1992 . 285 pp.
L.G. Korpel ed. Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen. In Nederduitsch gewaad (1760–1820) . ‘s-Gravenhage : Stichting Bibliographia Neerlandica , 1993 . 150 pp. [Vertaalhistorie, 4.]
Arnold Krupat ed. Voices in Native American Literary Criticism . Washington-London : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993 . xxvi + 556 pp.
André Lefevere ed. Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook . London : Routledge , 1992 . xvi + 182 pp. [Translation Studies.]
André Lefevere . Translation, Rewriting the Manipulation of Literary Fame . London : Routledge , 1992 . viii +176 pp. [Translation Studies.]
Lauren G. Leighton . Two Worlds, One Art: Literary Translation in Russia America . DeKalb : Northern Illinois University Press , 1991 . xix + 272 pp.
Suzanne Jill Levine . The Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction . Saint Paul, Minnesota : Graywolf Press , 1991 . xv + 196 pp.
Norbert Lossau . Die deutschen Petofi-Übersetzungen: Ungarische Realienbezeichnungen im sprachlich-kulturellen Vergleich . Frankfurt/M.-Berlin-Bern-New York-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang , 1993 . 390 pp. [Opuscula Fenno-Ugrica Gottingensia, 3.]
Hooshang Mehrjerdian . Automatische Übersetzung englischer Fachtexte ins Persische . Tübingen : Niemeyer , 1993 . viii + 171 pp. [Sprache und Information, 25.]
John Newton ed. Computers in Translation: A Practical Appraisal . London : Routledge , 1992 . XX + 238 pp.
Tejaswini Niranjana . Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralism the Colonial Context . Berkeley-Los Angeles-Oxford : The University of California Press , 1992 . xii + 203 pp.
Christiane Nord . Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology Didactic Application of a Model for Translation-Oriented Text Analysis . Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA : Rodopi , 1991 . 250 pp. [Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur, 94.]
Fernando Poyatos ed. Advances in 'Non-Verbal Communication: Sociocultural Clinical and Esthetic Perspectives . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1992 . xxiv + 412 pp.
Bernhard Sawinski . Probleme des Übersetzens aus alteren deutschen Texten . Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt/M.-New York-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang , 1992 . 196 pp. [Germanis-tische Lehrbuchsammlung, 23.]
William A. Smalley . Translation as Mission: Bible Translation in the Modern Missionary Movement . Macon, Georgia : Mercer University Press , 1991 . xvi + 288 pp. [The Modern Mission Era, 1792-1992. An Appraisal.]
Helmi B. Sonneveld and Kurt L. Loening eds. Terminology: Applications in Interdisciplinary Communication . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1993 . viii + 244 pp.
Brian Swann ed. On the Translation of Native American Literatures . Washington-London : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992 . xi + 478 pp.
Elzbieta Tabakowska . Cognitive Linguistics and the Poetics of Translation . Tübingen : Narr , 1993 . vi + 146 pp. [Language in Performance, 9.]
Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit and John Laffling eds. Recent Trends in Empirical Translation Research . Joensuu : University of Joensuu—Faculty of Arts , 1993 . 136 pp. [Studies in Languages, 28.]
Cercle linguistique d’Aix . Travaux 10: “La traduction” (problèmes théoriques et pratiques) . Aix-en-Provence : Publications de l'Université de Provence , 1993 . 283 pp.
Glyn Turton . Turgenev and the Context of English Literature (1850-1900) . London-New York : Routledge , 1992 . x + 219 pp.
Raymond van den Broeck & Erik Hertog eds. Mens en machine in de vertaalopleiding: Bijdragen tot de Vertaaldidactiek . Antwerpen-Harmelen : Fantom , 1993 . 204 pp. [Nieuwe Cahiers voor Vertaalwetenschap, 2.]
Henri Van Hoof . Dictionnaire universel des traducteurs . Genève : Editions Slatkine , 1993 . xiv + 414 pp.
Kitty M. van Leuven-Zwart . Vertaalwetenschap: ontwikkelingen en perspectieven . Mui-derberg : Dick Coutinho , 1992 . 174 pp.
Lawrence Venuti ed. Rethinking Translation: Discourse Subjectivity, Ideology . London : Routledge , 1992 . xii + 235 pp.
Candace Whitman-Linsen . Through the Dubbing Glass: The Synchronization of American Motion Pictures into German, French Spanish . Bern-Berlin-Frankfurt/M.-New York-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang , 1992 . 341 pp. [European University Studies, Series XIV: Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, 251.]
Wolfram Wilss . Übersetzungsfertigkeit: Annaherungen an einen komplexen übersetzungs-praktischen Begriff . Tübingen : Narr , 1992 . x + 249 pp. [Tübinger Beitrage zur Linguistik, 376.]
Sue Ellen Wright and Leland D. Wright Jr. eds. Scientific and Technical Translation . Amsterdam-Philadelphia : Benjamins , 1993 . vi + 298 pp. [ATA, Scholarly Monograph Series, VI.]
Peter Zima . Komparatistik: Einfuhrung in die Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft . Tübingen : Francke , 1992 . xii + 354 pp. [UTB, 1705.]
Palma Zlateva ed. and tr. Translation as Social Action: Russian and Bulgarian Perspec-tives . London : Routledge , 1993 . viii + 132 pp. [Translation Studies.]