Book review
Cay Dollerup & Vibeke Appel, eds. Teaching Translation and Interpreting 3. New Horizons: Papers from the Third Language International Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, 9-11 June 1995
Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995. viii + 336 pp. ISBN 90-272-1617-7 (Eur) / 1-55619-698-9 (US) Hfl. 125; USD 69.00 (Benjamins Translation Library, 16).

Reviewed by Marilyn Gaddis Rose
Table of contents

    There is an acknowledgment found in the dicta and anecdotes in these papers by translation educators; it is alternately anxious and confident: Language is dynamic. So translator training must not be static. Norms change; it is as simple—and threatening—as that. "Norms" include semantic shifts, accepted neologisms, new conventions, idioms, and borrowings. Even acceptable syntactical arrangements change. And if this inexorably happens within a single language, then it certainly happens in interlanguage transfers as well. This means, of course, that translators, and, above all, those training future translators, have not only a veritable mission to be current- and future- oriented. They also, like all teachers, have a more serious mission to be exemplars of appropriate professional behavior. Perhaps the professional motto should be Henry James's advice: "Be a person on whom nothing is lost".

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