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Robert de Beaugrande, Abdullah Shunnaq & Mohamed H. Heliel, eds. Language, Discourse and Translation in the West and Middle East
Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994. ISBN 90-272-1604-5 (Eur.) / 1-55619-685-7 (US) (Benjamins Translation Library, 7).

Reviewed by Hannah Amit-Kochavi
Table of contents

    Academic encounters between East and West often reflect the uneven balance of power between the two in terms of both resources and cultural dominance. Language, Discourse and Translation in the West and Middle East reflects some of the problems facing a Western attempt to approach the specific problems of the East, in this case—the Middle East, with genuine readiness to extend a helping, and yet no condescending hand in the attempt to apply Western experience to Eastern circumstances.

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