
Johan Hoorn
Johan F. Hoorn, winner of the Lorentz Fellowship, outlines the universals of nature’s creativeness as well as human creativity that were drafted during the workshop, and which resulted in Organic Creativity and the Physics Within.
Robert Dijkgraaf
Robbert Dijkgraaf, mathematical physicist and string theorist, director of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, states that the creativity in doing research is by far more interesting than answering the actual questions of quantum or cosmology.
Marc Runco
Psychologist Mark Runco of the Torrance Creativity Center mulls over the relations among originality, ideational fluency, and flexibility in switching between conceptual categories.
Richard Taylor
Physicist Richard Taylor discovered fractal patterning in Jackson Pollock’s paintings and considers the self-recursive nature of creativity.
David Hanson
David Hanson, top-tier robotics engineer and artist, speculates about complexity theory and how creativity is bouncing back and forth between order and disorder.
Arthur Miller
Science philosopher Arthur Miller claims that Einstein, Bach, and Picasso were a historic anomaly and shares his view on the unconscious aspects of creative thinking.
Arthur Mollela
Historian Art Mollella of the Smithsonian’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation contextualizes creative invention in terms of the inventor’s physical environment and social network.
Mike Lee
Mike Lee, the world’s toughest programmer and self-acclaimed “Mayor of Appsterdam,” explains what the ingredients are to build the most creative capital of the world.
Paul Hekkert
Paul Hekkert, industrial designer and a VICI laureate, discusses the role of logics and aesthetics in design.
Paul Collard
Paul Collard, Chief Executive of Creativity, Culture and Education, shifts focus from teaching methods to learning creatively in school.
In addition, Mike Lee presents a new adventure by Space Pirate.
Video research and production was performed by FreedomLab Future Studies: Arjan Postma & Jörgen van der Sloot.