Ch. 2 | Exercise 3

Chapter 2 | Exercise 3

Create a character vector with the names of your fellow students or friends. Create a numeric vector with their heights (alternatively, the number of siblings, ages, etc.). Combine this information in one data frame.

Create a character vector with the first names. For example:

> firstnames <- c("Anna", "Brad", "Caren", "Doug", "Emma") > firstnames [1] "Anna" "Brad" "Caren" "Doug" "Emma"

Create a numeric vector with the heights. For example:

> heights <- c(168, 185, 159, 174, 171) > heights [1] 168 185 159 174 171

Now create a data frame:

> friends <- data.frame(firstnames, heights) > friends firstnames heights 1 Anna 168 2 Brad 185 3 Caren 159 4 Doug 174 5 Emma 171

Note that the character vector by default becomes a factor.