Ch. 2 | Exercise 4

Chapter 2 | Exercise 4

Create a data set Linguists in a spreadsheet with the information shown in Table 2.1 and import it in R as a data frame. Mind the spaces!

Table 2.1. Data set Linguists
Last name First name Framework Born Died
de Saussure Ferdinand Structuralism 1857 1913
Chomsky Noam Generative Linguistics 1928 NA
Lakoff George Cognitive Linguistics 1941 NA

Create an Excel spreadsheet with the information from the table. Save the file as a text (Tab delimited) file or as a comma-separated .csv file. Next, read the table in R. For a tab-delimited file, the code is as follows:

> linguists <- read.table("Your/Path/linguists.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") > linguists Framework Born Died 1 de Saussure Ferdinand Structuralism 1857 1913 2 Chomsky Noam Generative Linguistics 1928 NA 3 Lakoff George Cognitive Linguistics 1941 NA

If you saved the data as a comma-separated file (.csv) and the separator is comma, the code is as follows:

> linguists <- read.csv("Your/Path/linguists.csv") > linguists [output omitted]

In case the separator is the semicolon, use read.csv2():

> linguists <- read.csv2("Your/Path/linguists.csv")

Note that in the .csv cases, the default option is header = TRUE.