Chapter 10
Try to find five, but at least three, different pronunciations of the same (frequent) sign in a specific sign language on DVDs, CD-ROMs, or the Internet. Use, for instance, the fables told by signers from three different sign languages, which can be downloaded from Describe the articulation of these signs in terms of the joints involved.
Three examples from SASL can be considered. What can vary without changing meaning?
SASL: man: Variation in: Length of movement, precise location on chin, size of hand-internal movement.
JOINTS: Elbow joint of arm; knuckle joint of index finger.
SASL: woman: Variation in: Start and end position on chest, spreading of two fingers, contact thumb.
JOINTS: Elbow joint of arm; wrist joint of arm.
SASL: afternoon: Variation in: Size of movement, position in neutral space.
JOINTS: Shoulder joint; elbow joint of arm.