Chapter 12
Language variation and standardization

Assignment 4

What kind of forms of recognition are there for sign languages, and what are their effect?

There is legal recognition which can be embedded in the constitution or recognition formulated in terms of separate laws. However, the constitutional recognition does not necessarily imply concrete measures to implement, for example, interpreter provision.

Take examples from the situation of your own sign language where possible.


In the constitution: e.g. in Portugal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, BUT this does not mean the recognition of rights.

Separate measures: e.g. in the Netherlands, UK, USA (individual states), BUT these are vulnerable and can be revoked.

None: e.g. in Turkey, Italy.

An overview for Europe can be found at: http://​ec​.europa​.eu​/education​/languages​/languages​-of​-europe​/doc189​_nl​.htm