Chapter 1
Sign languages as natural languages

Assignment 6

Is fingerspelling part of a sign language?

Fingerspelling is used to form a bridge between a sign language and a spoken language in that it allows for the production of spoken words in a visual manual form. For instance, proper names and concepts for which no sign exists can be conveyed by means of fingerspelling. In that respect, fingerspelling is not really part of a sign language. However, sometimes a fingerspelled letter can become an integral part of a sign and is then not always recognized as originating from the spoken language.

There are demonstrations and exercises for ASL and BSL fingerspelling on internet which can be useful for showing how one-handed and two-handed fingerspelling systems work :

ASL: https://​www​.youtube​.com​/watch​?v​=pDfnf96qz​_4
BSL: https://​www​.youtube​.com​/watch​?v​=DgIvXXdwjvw